Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yemeni Army Kills 140 Rebels In North Yemen

We are probably going to be seeing the most volatile situation, outside of the main theatres of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia occuring in Yemen over the next year so be prepared for more news flashes like this from Breitbart that details a Yemeni army counterattack that killed 140 "Shiite rebels" in the country's north.

Yemen is going to be, more than likely, one of the bloodiest areas of the Middle East when it is all said and done.

Yemen army 'kills 140 Shiite rebels' in north

The Yemeni army killed more than 140 Shiite rebels during fierce fighting in the rugged mountainous city of Saada in northern Yemen on Sunday, a military official said, after the failure of a truce offered by the government.
"The army killed more than 140 rebels after thwarting an attempted attack on Saada," the official said, describing the fighting as "the fiercest" since start of the military offensive on August 11.

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