Friday, September 18, 2009

U.N.'s IAEA Exposed: Conclusion That Iran Could Make Nuclear Bomb and Plans To Weaponize It Leaked

Well, once again, the United Nations has been caught in a huge lie and coverup. The details of a report from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) that had been kept under the lid of secrecy has been leaked and it proves that the U.N.'s atomic watchdog agency HAD determined that Iran was capable of developing a nuclear weapon AND that the Iranians WERE actively working towards weaponizing that technology. You may remember the song and dance the IAEA has been shoveling the world for years now how they didn't have proof of the Iranians doing just that.

From the article at Times Online:

Experts at the UN's nuclear watchdog believe that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and worked on developing a missile system that can carry an atomic warhead, according to a leaked report.
The document, drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and seen by the Associated Press, is the clearest indication yet that those officials share Washington’s views on Iran’s weapon-making capabilities and missile technology — even if they have not made those views public.
The document, titled “Possible Military Dimension of Iran’s Nuclear Programme”, appeared to be the so-called IAEA “secret annex" on Iran’s alleged nuclear arms programme that the US, France, Israel and other IAEA members say is being withheld by the agency's chief Mohamed ElBaradei — claims that the nuclear watchdog denies.
I've said it here many times before, that the head of the IAEA, ElBaradei, is a terrorist sympathizer and that his ultimate goal is to position some islamic countries into a military position that negates Western superiority. The United Nations simply has put people in charge of the Iranian investigation that WANT Iran to have the bomb and they also want them to use the bomb.

This leak demonstrates the corruption in the U.N. once again and it is beyond me how the United States contingent to the U.N. has not called for the immediate firing of the IAEA personnel and a complete investigation of the Iranian inspections. Oh wait, sorry about that...I lost my head...I forgot who is leading America at the moment.

Iran has the ability to make nuclear bomb, says leaked UN report

Experts at the UN's nuclear watchdog believe that Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and worked on developing a missile system that can carry an atomic warhead, according to a leaked report.
The document, drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and seen by the Associated Press, is the clearest indication yet that those officials share Washington’s views on Iran’s weapon-making capabilities and missile technology — even if they have not made those views public.
The document, titled “Possible Military Dimension of Iran’s Nuclear Programme”, appeared to be the so-called IAEA “secret annex" on Iran’s alleged nuclear arms programme that the US, France, Israel and other IAEA members say is being withheld by the agency's chief Mohamed ElBaradei — claims that the nuclear watchdog denies.
It is a record of IAEA findings since the agency began investigating Iran’s nuclear programme in 2007 and has been continually updated.

The information in the document that is either new, more detailed or represents a more forthright conclusion than found in published IAEA reports includes:
The IAEA’s assessment that Iran worked on developing a chamber inside a ballistic missile capable of housing a warhead payload “that is quite likely to be nuclear”.
That Iran engaged in “probable testing" of explosives commonly used to detonate a nuclear warhead — a method known as a “full-scale hemispherical explosively driven shock system".
An assessment that Iran worked on developing a system “for initiating a hemispherical high explosive charge" of the kind used to help spark a nuclear blast.
In another key finding, an excerpt notes: “The agency ... assesses that Iran has sufficient information to be able to design and produce a workable implosion nuclear device [an atomic bomb] based on HEU [highly enriched uranium] as the fission fuel.”
Dr ElBaradei said in 2007 that there was no “concrete evidence" that Iran was engaged in atomic weapons work — a source of friction with the United States, which has sought a hardline stance on Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.
Responding to the Associated Press report, the agency did not deny the existence of a confidential record of its knowledge and assessment of Iran’s alleged attempts to make nuclear weapons. But an agency statement said that the IAEA “has no concrete proof that there is or has been a nuclear weapon programme in Iran”.
It cited Dr ElBaradei as telling the agency’s 35-nation governing board last week that “continuing allegations that the IAEA was withholding information on Iran are politically motivated and totally baseless”.

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