Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Obama Healthcare Tour of Deception Continues - Univ. of Maryland

Okay, as I post this ...Barack Hussein Obama is speaking to students and faculty of the University of Maryland about his healthcare plans...those plans to further his socialistic and Marxist agenda on the American people. But wait. Are those really students and faculty of the University of Maryland that Obama is addressing right now?

I received this email just this morning:

Hello Holger,

Today Obama is delivering a speech to the students and faculty of The University of Maryland, on his healthcare bill. Thought that you would want to know that I just witnessed two A.S. Midway Buses unloading people from out of town right into The College Park Metro Station; where upon UM Shuttle buses (the university's free shuttle bus service) picked them all up to take them straight into campus. I thought that the speech was for the students and faculty only, but it's not true. I wished I had a camera to record all of this, at the time.

Name withheld appears the astroturfing of Obama's healthcare campaign is continuing. So I ask you, who paid for those buses? Who was on those buses? SEIU? ACORN? UAW? AFL-CIO?

Look at this from the Baltimore Sun today about who is at the President's speech going on right now:

COLLEGE PARK - President Barack Obama sought to harness the energy of his youthful supporters to the Democratic push for health care change, rallying a largely student crowd Thursday at the University of Maryland, College Park.An earsplitting roar greeted the president when he entered the Comcast Center, coatless and with sleeves rolled up. It was the first campus stop on Obama's campaign-style health care tour, and he tailored his stump speech for the university audience.

I think it would be helpful to see some YouTubes of this speech today to just check to see how "youthful" that crowd really was.

Barack Hussein Obama... initiator of hope, of change, of deception, of lies.

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