Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Iran's Police Issue Warnings To Stores Not To Display "Curvy" Mannequins

Oh boy, the "purity patrol" in Iran is back big time and government crackdowns on public displays of the female body have multiplied since Ahmadinejad gained reelection. From the Breitbart story:

Iranian police have warned shop owners not to display female mannequins wearing underwear or curve-revealing clothes.
A letter from the police published Wednesday in the state-owned IRAN daily also warned men should not sell women's underwear and advised shopkeepers against showing pictures authorities deem immoral.

I'm laughing here...can't you just picture Iranian police standing outside of a shop's window, gawking at a couple of mannequins dressed in lingerie...oh, for about an hour....then going inside and writing up the shop owner? And what is with the rule that men can't sell women's underwear? I mean seriously, how many shops in Tehran are owned by women??? Hell, the Iranians punish women there for walking down the street without a male escort of their is a woman going to get away working at her own shop where "strange" men come in?

Two bits says that if you look at the hotel receipt of Ahmadinejad's stay in New York for his visit to the United Nations, you'd find about 12 hours worth of pay for view movies....and those moview ain't gonna be of "True Grit."

Iran's police warn shops against curvy mannequins

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iranian police have warned shop owners not to display female mannequins wearing underwear or curve-revealing clothes.
A letter from the police published Wednesday in the state-owned IRAN daily also warned men should not sell women's underwear and advised shopkeepers against showing pictures authorities deem immoral.
Iranian officials have issued similar warnings in the past, but have ramped up their campaign against Western influence since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to power in 2005.
Iran's government originally imposed restrictions on dress after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Women must cover their hair and are urged to wear a traditional head-to-toe garment known as a chador.

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