Sunday, September 13, 2009

Germany's Socialist Party Leader Vows German Pullout From Afghanistan War In 2011...If Elected

In a shameless, gutless and hypocritical political move, the Chancellor candidate from Germany's Social Democrats political party has made a campaign promise ... to pull German troops out of the war in Afghanistan as early as 2011. This is a man, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who is willing to send the signal to every islamic terrorist in the world that Germany will fall to threats and succumb to terrorism. And what's more, it will fuel the Taliban and al Qaeda fires to inflict more pressure on other NATO members to follow suit. We all remember the strategy from the Iraq War where al Qaeda's train attacks in Madrid led to the change in Spain's governmental leadership and resulted in Spain's withdrawl from the war...well, what Steinmeier so conveniently is ignoring is the domino effect this could have in Britain, The Netherlands and France.

In my opinion, there's only one thing worse than a jihadist. And that is a western leader who bows to that terror. This piece of shit, this sorry excuse for a man...Steinmeier needs to be ridiculed as the coward he is. He needs to be portrayed as a co-conspirator in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians that had died at the hands of the islamic terrorists. He is a yellow belly. He is a socialist. They go hand and hand.

Here's the full story from Times Online:

Plan to withdraw German troops from Afghanistan becomes election issue

Germany could start withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan as early as 2011, according to a plan apparently intended to boost support for the Social Democrats before the election.
As Chancellor Angela Merkel and her rival and Vice Chancellor, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, embarked on a 90-minute television duel — actually more of a duet — to win over voters, the future of Afghanistan emerged as the only burning foreign policy issue.
Mr Steinmeier’s proposal, which entails closing the Faizabad base in Northern Afghanistan and removing 500 soldiers, is a departure from Ms Merkel’s position and is likely to be criticised by the United States.
President Obama is expected to ask for more troops from Berlin when the general election is concluded on September 27. Germany has about 4,500 soldiers in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force. Thirty five have been killed.

Ms Merkel remains ahead in opinion polls with her Christian Democrat party registering around 37 per cent support, compared with Mr Steinmeier’s party, which has about 22 per cent. But the polls also show that Ms Merkel could have problems securing an absolute majority for her preferred alliance with the Free Democrats, which has about 13 per cent of the vote.
Having been in government together for four years, many of their policies are similar. “The Social Democrats have been in power for eleven years, the past four with Merkel,” Henryk Broder, a commentator, said. “So they can’t suddenly act as if they are in opposition. That’s Steinmeier’s credibility problem.”
Mr Steinmeier, who is aware that he could be attacked for breaking government ranks or appearing unpatriotic, said that he would not push his withdrawal plan without consulting Germany’s Nato allies.
According to a leaked version of a document, called Ten Steps for Afghanistan, Germany will ensure that there “is an appropriately trained police presence” in the German-controlled districts. An extra 1,500 police officers will be installed in the town of Kunduz. The number of German instructors to the Afghan Army will be “substantially increased”. A reintegration fund will also be set up to encourage supporters of the Taleban to abandon their weapons.
Mr Steinmeier’s party said that the proposals should become concrete goals before the international community took part in an Afghan conference in the autumn. “In the next legislative period we have to create the basis for the withdrawal from Afghanistan,” said the preface to the document, leaked to Der Spiegel magazine.
Two government sources claimed that Ms Merkel was “highly irritated” by the plan. She believes that if withdrawal dates are set, they should be part of an international deal.


sofa said...

Europe has been lost for years. This is just the latest in what will be a long drawn out stage, known as "death flopping".

This is similar to a fish flopping on the floor of a boat: It's over, it's been over, they just don't know it yet.

Holger Awakens said...


As always..your observations are right on!

:Holger Danske

Hausser said...
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vancouver BC real estate agent said...

well, I reckon every democratic country can decide to send or to withdraw the combat troops from third country. I do not think that would mean to bow to terrorism necessarily. If it bring domino effect, it would in my eyes just mean, the war is loosing the public support and in democracy it means a message to the leaders to do something. No one expected the combat troops to stay in Afghanistan for ever. Or are we new Soviet Union, who came to help Czechoslovakia and stayed for ages?