Sunday, September 13, 2009

Brace Yourself America...Picture 50,000 Muslims On Prayer Mats At Our Nation's Capitol on 9/25/09

In typical islamic terror fashion, just two weeks after America mourns again our losses of innocent Americans on 9/11...the islamists of America have decided to, on September 25th, 2009, infest the Capitol grounds of Washington, D.C. for a prayer gathering where they expect 50,000 islamists to gather for prayers and chants.

Now, I'm not suggesting you actually go to this website, but in case you do...beware of the sounds of evil as it resonates from the flash player...the site is here announcing the 9/25 gathering of minions. Again, brace yourselves as these servants of Satan have used the American flag on this vile website.

From the announcement:


The objective of this gathering is to invite the Muslim Communities and friends of Islam to express and illustrate the wonderful diversity of Islam. We intend to manifest Islam's majestic spiritual principals as revealed by Allah to our beloved prophet Muhammad (PEACE BE UPON HIM) of Arabia. Likewise; we intend to inspire a new generation of Muslim to work for the greater good of all people. We shall serve all people, regardless of race, religion or national origin.


The Athan will be chanted on Capitol Hill, echoing off of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other great edifices that surround Capitol Hill

Thousands of Muslims from all races, creeds, colors and ethnicities will gather for the sole purpose of prayer

Bonds of friendship will be formed between those in attendance, both Muslims and Non-Muslims
Muslim youth will experience tours of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.

The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America's capitol.

So there you have it...the islamists, who have used the freedoms of America to cloak their jihad, will be demonstrating once again their taunting of America. Don't believe for one minute that this is about "muslim unity" or "bringing Americans together", this is about IN YOUR FACE America. This is a reminder of the islamists' goal in America of soft jihad with the end game of sharia law and America submission to this radical political ideology. These aren't going to be prayers that are being chanted across the grounds of the Capitol...these are going to be threats.

Submit or Die, America.

(Hat tip: Henry Bowman)


Henry Bowman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry Bowman said...

I am really starting to "DISLIKE" these devils.

When I first opened the site and the sounds came through I shivered because (to me) it is the call of the devil.

I deleted the above comment because I did not proof read it. I must be more upset then I thought.

Thank you Holger. I rely on your blog for info every day.

God Save the United States.......

sofa said...

islam is pure evil: sadism, slavery, molestation, and murder. Mohammed says it's so. We should witness every islamic country, ever, throughout history, and the Koran itself, as proof of evil.

We got rid of the KKK, and Nazis. How is the Koran different, except in the sheer number of adherents. Islam must be utterly defeated, not contained.

If you disagree, then read the Koran and read history.

shamelessly from coord.illum

Eight years after the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor – the only comparable event in modern history – Japan had already been reduced to rubble and begun its rebuilding into the peaceful modern powerhouse into which it was transformed.

Yet eight years on after the brutal slaughter of thousands of innocent people the buildings the barbarians destroyed are still un-replaced, the chief planners and perpetrators of the outrage remain on the loose, and the pursuit of those leading barbarians is greeted with cries that the west itself is the aggressor.

How much has the world changed since 1941.

To be fair, the pursuit itself is so flawed as to be almost completely off-mission. Sure, there are problems in just finding the bastards who planned this – unlike the bastards who bombed Pearl Harbor, it’s not possible to find them on a map. But it’s not like there isn’t a rough idea.

War was declared on the west eight years ago. That it’s still going isn’t for lack of firepower on the west’s behalf, it’s an almost complete lack of moral fibre. A refusal to believe that it’s a war that we’re in, and a politically-correct misdirection of effort into a war on on a tactic instead of against the actual barbarians responsible for the outrage – a hand-wringing, faith-based unwillingness to identify the enemy.

It should not bave been a “war on terror” in which the west was engaged these last eight years. In the same way that the Second World War was a war against Nazism and Shintoism, this was should have been a war on Islamic Totalitarianism – a war waged explicitly against this hydra, and with the full moral authority that this was a war of self-defence – a war of civilisation against the barbarians who attacked it.

It should have been a war in which it was recognised that there is “No Substitute for Victory.” It has never been that war, which is why it still dribbles on eight years after the outrage that finally brought the enemy to the world’s attention.

Until we can name the enemy, we waste ourselves fighting the wrong campaign.

Which is just what they want.

sofa said...

ps - Holger: sorry I missed you in DC. Never got linked up....

Holger Awakens said...


You are a tremendous asset to this blog - your visits are truly appreciated.


Damn! I wish I'd seen you down there sofa!

:Holger Danske