Monday, September 21, 2009

Ahmadinejad Is Proud His Holocaust Denial Angered The West

Iran's midget maniac, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, today expressed his pride in having angered the West with his latest comments of Holocaust denial - remember, this is the stable kind of leader that the Obama administration is willing to have nuclear weapons. From the report at Breitbart:

Ahmadinejad proud of Holocaust denial

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran's state news agency quotes President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying he is proud the West was outraged denial of the Holocaust.
The Monday report by IRNA quotes Ahmadinejad as saying that angering the world's "professional man slayers"—an apparent reference to Israel and some in the West—is a source of "pride for us."
He did not elaborate further.
During a speech on Friday, Ahmadinejad had again voiced his doubts about the Holocaust, questioning whether it was a "real event" and saying it was a pretext for Israel's creation. The remarks drew swift condemnation in the West.
Iran is locked in a dispute with the West over a nuclear program it says is purely peaceful while other fear is geared at developing weapons.

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