Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sudanese Journalist Says She'll Accept 40,000 Lashes For Wearing Pants

Welcome to the 21st century, islam-style. A Sudanese journalist was arrested last month along with 12 other women for wearing pants in a restaurant setting herself up for the punishment which is 40 lashes with a whip. And while most of the women were found guilty and have already received some of their lashes, this woman, Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, is ready to appeal this all the way to the top, and she's willing to up that lashing count, by a thousand.

Here's the story from AOL news:

Journalist Prepared for 40,000 Lashes

(Aug. 3) -- A Sudanese woman facing 40 lashes for wearing pants declared she was ready for thousands as she battles the country's laws.
Lubna-Ahmed al-Hussein, a journalist with the United Nations Mission in Sudan, is on trial after being arrested July 3 along with 12 other women for wearing trousers at a restaurant in Khartoum, Agence France-Press reported.

Sudanese law calls for 40 lashes for anyone "who commits an indecent act which violates public morality or wears indecent clothing." For women, indecent clothing includes the outfit Hussein wore when she was arrested and again during her first hearing on July 29: a loose-fitting top, headscarf and green slacks.
Ten of the women arrested have already accepted punishment of 10 lashes each, but Hussein and two other women still face charges.
Hussein has appealed her case in the hope of bringing international attention to the plight of Sudanese women. She waived her immunity as a U.N. worker in the case and told AFP her goal is to have the law regulating clothing repealed.
"If I'm sentenced to be whipped, or to anything else, I will appeal. I will see it through to the end, to the constitutional court if necessary," Hussein said. "And if the constitutional court says the law is constitutional, I'm ready to be whipped not 40 but 40,000 times."
Hussein told AFP thousands of women have been flogged for their clothing over the last two decades, but it is not publicized because those prosecuted fear no one would believe them. By becoming a voice for these women, Hussein said, "I've already won half the battle."
Hussein is scheduled to judged Tuesday and she said she plans to wear the same "indecent" outfit to court.

1 comment:

Legion said...

She'll die before she gets 50 lashes.
Big brave talk, don't count on U.S. to save her back, not with the marxist mulatto in charge.