Monday, August 3, 2009

Raul Castro Appreciates Obama's Open Arms, Reaffirms That Cuba's Communism Is Here To Stay

The younger brother of Fidel Castro, Raul, has made it official....while he truly appreciates how President Barack Hussein Obama has toned down the anti-Marxist rhetoric towards Cuba, he has every intention of continuing the oppression of the Cuban people with years and years and years more of Communist rule. So, once again, we see the President of the United States extend a hand of appeasement, only to see some two bit third world dictator embarrass the most powerful country in the world. Yup...foreign policy by amateurs gives you this.

From the story at Times Online, we see how the "magic" of Barack Obama once more has backfired:

Castro to US - Cuba will stay communist

Raúl Castro, the Cuban President, vowed to a standing ovation in parliament yesterday that the country would never give up communism, in what appeared to be a direct response to the Obama Administration’s calls for reform.
Mr Castro, the younger brother of the ailing Fidel Castro, also defended impending austerity measures amid a sharp economic downturn in the country. He announced that Cuba would cut spending on education and healthcare and called state spending “simply unsustainable”.
The Government would reorganise rural schools and scrutinise its free healthcare system in search of ways to save money, he said.
Nevertheless, the political ideology of the regime was not in question, Mr Castro declared.

“I wasn’t elected President to return capitalism to Cuba, or to surrender the revolution,” he said, referring to the armed uprising led by his brother that toppled the US-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista half a century ago. “I was elected President to defend, build and perfect socialism, not destroy it,” he said.
President Obama has been trying to engineer a thaw in relations between the United States and Cuba. Hillary Clinton, his Secretary of State, said recently that Washington wanted to see economic and social reforms in Cuba before the Washington Administration would do more to improve bilateral relations.
Mr Castro reiterated his willingness to improve relations with America and acknowledged “a decline in the aggressiveness and anti-Cuban rhetoric” since Mr Obama took power in January.
The Cuban President made an unusual mention of the mortality of his 82-year-old brother Fidel, something top officials in Cuba almost never do in public.
He scoffed at those who thought that Cuba’s political system would crumble after “the death of Fidel and of all of us”.
He added: “If that’s how they think, they are doomed to failure.”

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