Friday, July 24, 2009

Video: A President of the United States Dividing The Country


Esquerita said...

Obama is right on here as usual - the cops come to the mans house, he shows them ID that the home does indeed belong to him, the cops should have left instantly, end of story.

Bottom line- this is what happens when people don't know their neighbors. The woman who called the cops should know that the short black man in his late 50s who lives next door is world famous historian Henry Louis Gates. She was doing the right thing - the cops fucked up here.

Esquerita said...

How is this "Dividing the Country"?

Holger Awakens said...


I don't get it. If Obama is "right on here" and the cops "fucked up" then why is your puppetmaster Obama on television right now apologizing for what he said and calling the cop and asking forgiveness?

Seems your guy, Obama, let you down again, rita.

p.s. it won't be the last time, hon.

:Holger Danske

Esquerita said...

I don't feel let down - if he feels he needs to apologize, fine. I still think the Cambridge cops fucked up. Disorderly conduct on your own property? Sounds like bullshit to me - have a good weekend y'all. I'm off to water some crops - damn we need the rain.

Right Wing Extremist said...

If a police officer asked me to show ID, I'd say "yes sir" not "yo momma". Police put their lives on the line every day and they deserve respect until their conduct shows otherwise.

But don't listen to me, I'm just a right wing extremist for worshiping my God and loving my country.