Friday, July 24, 2009

Great News! The French Love America Again!

Emperor Barack Hussein Obama has turned the tide and delivered on his campaign promise that the world (well, at least Europe in this case) would once again fall back in love with America, as latest polls across the world show that the French, British and German people adore us, once again! I guess the only disappointing thing about the polling for Obama is that the muslim horde across the world hasn't warmed to him one iota - what with all those videos sent to Iran, the trashing of America in Cairo and Turkey, and the submissive approach to Islam in general hasn't garnered any more support for America through Obama. But, dammit, the French just love us again!

So, how many are familiar with the expression...."misery loves company" ? It's my contention that this is reflected in the European numbers - the Europeans are wallowing in economic havoc, multiculturalism that has decayed into chaos, and a constant threat of terror...and now, they see America "in the same boat" as themselves and they love it. Good job, Barack...heaven knows we can all be proud here in America that your bashing of America and her people has finally paid off in turning the French around.

Here's the story at Times Online:

President Obama makes US popular in Europe again, Pew poll says

Europeans have grown fonder of the US since Barack Obama became President, but Israeli affections have cooled and the Muslim world has barely noticed the new man in the White House.
These are the findings of a global opinion survey published by the Pew Research Centre yesterday. The poll found the biggest change in mood in Western Europe.
In Britain and most European countries, sentiment towards the US has returned to levels not seen since before the Administration of George W. Bush.
The French love America, with 75 per cent pronouncing themselves favourably disposed towards the US. Britain rings in second with nearly 70 per cent, up 16 points since last year.

The change is starker in France and Germany, with a 30-point rise since the last months of the Bush Administration.
The Bush presidency marked a decline in America’s popularity, notably after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, because of a perception that the War on Terror was against Muslims.
The poll shows, however, that President Obama’s Cairo address to the Muslim world last month did little to change opinions towards the US among its target audience.
Turkey, Egypt and Jordan had mainly insignificant gains in positive sentiment towards America, but attitudes towards the US in those countries remain at abysmal levels.
The one place where the Cairo speech did seem to have an impact was Israel. Pew found that US favourability ratings slipped 13 points after the address. In the Palestinian territories only 5 per cent warmed to America.
“Animosity towards the US ... continues to run deep and unabated in Turkey, the Palestinian territories and Pakistan,” said the report, which conducted nearly 27,000 interviews from May 18 to June 16 in 24 countries and the Palestinian territories.
Indonesia emerged as the only Muslim country to change from a net unfavourability towards the US to a net positive score in the past year.
Positive feelings towards Americans nearly doubled in the country where most are aware of Mr Obama’s childhood years in their midst.
Favourability ratings for Mr Obama and the US were also high in Kenya, where his father came from. The poll found that 90 per cent of Kenyans surveyed had a positive view of the US and 96 per cent were aware of Mr Obama’s Kenyan roots.
Only about one Russian in three expressed confidence in the US President. It was a low number, but an improvement over Mr Bush, who polled only 22 per cent.
Perhaps the most significant swings in world opinion came when respondents were asked to differentiate between Mr Bush and Mr Obama in their levels of confidence handling global issues.
In Britain, Mr Obama recorded an 86 per cent level of trust when respondents were asked if they thought he would do the right thing in world affairs. Mr Bush scored 16 per cent in 2008.
That pattern holds true around the world, with only two countries recording less than double-digit gains by Mr Obama.
In Pakistan, Mr Obama only improved over Mr Bush by six percentage points and in Israel the two had almost even ratings.


A french boy said...

French love America !!
French love american culture !!
French love american people !!
French love american dream !!
French love american country !!
it's just that the French hate Georges Bush & condoleezza Rice ...( Band of dictator)

anna21 said...

Bonjour à toutes et à tous!
Of course we love you! America is a land of freedom! We share that dream so deeply and strongly... I read in am article (about europe, not concerning us yet) that when the Americans asked they independence and when the French made a revolution, it was the first time in the history of the world that some people begun to walk in the such a way! Just continue to share with the world your dreams!
you have a magnificent country and I would love to visit you one day...
to conclude, I am a French who love Americans!
best wishes,
Et vive l'Amérique!