Friday, June 19, 2009

Video: The Seven Coincidences of Barack Hussein Obama


Ed Miller said...

And Antichrist is also supposed to be mortally wounded, then come back to life.

If anybody can pull it off, the Candy Man can!


- pupista

Esquerita said...

Numerology is open to LOTS of interpretation and is thus occult nonsense. What is the Gemantria of George Herbert Walker Bush? My own name translates to ancient Hebrew for "sounds like bullshit to me". It can be found in the Bible verse where Sampson ties 40 foxes together and lights their tales on fire to burn the wheatfields.

The kooks who come up with this bullshit will go nuts when some Rightwing nutcase wounds the president and he "comes back to life". What is the numerology of Joe Bidens name?

This video is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of CT bulls... that the left uses to label us as kooks. Please remove this senseless crap from your blog.