Thursday, June 18, 2009

Video: Barbara Boxer Talks Down To A Brigadier General

Okay, Barbara....the Brigadier General referred to you as "Ma'am" just as he had the entire day of questioning with ALL of your counterparts - he referred to the male Senators as "Sir" and the female Senators as "Ma'am" - only YOU, bitch, felt the need for this pathetic insult.

You're lucky that you had a trained military man sitting across from you and not me.

But, the crux of the matter is this, Barbara Boxer, I will see that a lot of people will work tirelessly from this moment on to ensure that YOU WILL NEVER BE REFERRED TO AS SENATOR AGAIN after you are up for reelection. General Walsh put his neck on the line in defense of his country and putzes like you and the only thing you have ever put your neck on the line for , Barbara, is to be sure that every 8.5 month old "fetus" in America can have a spike driven into the base of their skull and their brains sucked out.

Believe me, Babs, after election time....the only reference to you by anyone will be: "hey, throw some extra ketchup packets in with those fries, will ya grandma?"


Rob said...

So she's a dumb, compensating bitch- what does that have to do with 8.5 month old fetusses? And who is aborting those (I take that to be your reference)? That is a deliverable baby. What the hell does that have to do with anything?

GFY Rob said...

Hey Rob, I think you hit the wrong keys on your board. You're looking for the Kos kids.

Holger Awakens said...


I'll simplify it for you. This bitch demanded "respect" from a Brigadier General in order for her to try and belittle him. I said he has put his life on the line for his country while Boxer's only real commitment in the U.S. Senate has been to vote 100% to preserve the fact that all fetuses are fair game for abortion.

We had a man today who protects Americans, a woman who kills Americans and she's the one that asks HIM for respect?

:Holger Danske

p.s. and the 8.5 month old fetus is in reference to Boxer's support of partial birth abortions.

Rob said...

Hey GFY, GFY hat pal. With that kind of attitude, YOU belong over at KOS. Your views may be different but your intolerance and lack of discernment are the same.


I agreed with your assessment of her demand from the Brigadier General. Completely. I don't see how "dumb, compensating bitch" could have been more clear on that point. But I still just don't see what it has to do with abortion.

Partial Birth abortion is a bugaboo straw man anyway. It has been illegal in the states since '03 and even was it was legal only represented .1% of all abortions. Most of those were for medical reasons (e.g., an already 'naturally' dead fetus, or a badly compromised fetus that was unlikely to survive outside the womb anyway). And if you can find some numbers for how many of those happened at 8.5 months I'd be grateful. A normally funcitoning fetus at 8.5 months is a 100% viable baby, so anyone partially delivering and killing one of those WOULD be tried for murder. So please, back up that claim.

But since you've brought it up again, I will ask you this riddle: who aborts the most babies in the world?




If you believe that everything that happens in nature is his will, then the 50% of all conceived embryos that are miscarried are his will.

I'm not advocating playing God, and I'm not even asking you to question God (here, at least). I am only saying that you should check your RELIGIOUS objections for moral consistency.

GFY Rob said...

Too bad your parents didn't believe in abortion.

Holger Awakens said...


Okay, one more attempt. I was equating the fact that the General is in the business of saving American lives, Boxer is in the business of killing American lives. I don't think that parallel is too tough to understand.

Oh...I don't like riddles much.

:Holger Awakens

Rob said...

GFY: My point proven. Insults = lack of an argument. What is YOUR point?

Holger: Oh, I understand your equation. I don't, however, see you backing up your claim that A) Boxer is in the business of killing 8.5 month-old viable fetuses, and B) 8.5 month fetuses are being aborted AT ALL in the US.

Seriously. If this is happening, I want to know about it. You are making an extraordinary claim, and such claims require extraordinary evidence, and so any evidence at all would be a good starting point.

And: You don't like riddles, or you don't like that KIND of riddle with that KIND of answer? You didn't respond to, in my mind, the #1 problem with the religious 'pro-life' movement.

GFY Rob said...

It's not an insult just a statement.

My point is that you are a TROLL.

Rob said...

Dude, I comment here regularly, I agree with most of what Holger says and I enjoy the videos. I just call people on bullshit when I spot it. Hardly a troll. You, I don't know what your problem is. You confuse insults with statements, and ad hominems with arguments. You still haven't put together a complete thought in this discussion. I don't know if you need more schooling, or what- but you're not contributing jack shit to the discussion.

GFY Rob said...

Hey Rob, is any type of criticism acceptable to you or do you just use the old tired leftist ideas about abortion over and over. And I don't know you either DUDE. (and I really don't care too.)

GFY Rob said...

Holger I apologize for the disagreement with Rob. I know I shouldn't use your blog for arguements with proabortionistsl. Again I am sorry. Rob my apology.

Rob said...

What criticism? You haven't offered any!