Sunday, May 17, 2009

Obama's Lie About Abortion

As we have witnessed the defamation of the Catholic religion by the visit to its podium at Notre Dame today by President Barack Obama, one has to ask a more basic question of the President regarding his stance on abortion. It's really quite simple, in my mind You either believe that life begins at conception and that an abortion at any time during the pregnancy is a crime and a mortal sin OR you do NOT believe that life begins at conception and that a life does not technically exist until the baby is literally born. Obviously, Barack Obama believes in the latter. So, to my question...Mr. President, if you do NOT believe that a fetus represents human life inside of the womb, then why do you consider it so critical to REDUCE THE NUMBER OF ABORTIONS?!! Can't we all see the contradiction in Obama's view here? If aborting a fetus is deemed legal and morally right by Barack Obama, then what would be the reason for wanting to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and the number of subsequent abortions? Pardon my inability to grasp this concept but to me it seems similar to a person saying that smoking pot is perfectly allright, that it shouldn't be a crime and should be legal but in the same breath you ask for more money in schools to educate young people on the perils of smoking pot - if it's okay to do it, why teach someone of the consequences of it?

If abortion does not represent a murder nor a violation of morals or a transgression against one's religious views, Mr. President, why would you even care if we had 1 million abortions in this country or 100 million abortions in this country? If you hold to your thought processes on this act, you simply should not care. By saying that we should work to the bitter end to reduce the number of abortions, you are admitting that it is wrong. Aren't you?


paranoidpyro said...

Count me among the first group. A fertilized egg, even before becoming a "Fetus" (Latin for "offspring" btw), has a DNA unique from its mother. And since we can't scientifically prove when life begins (since taking a life is murder, which is a felony), I'm one to err on the side of caution and say no abortions unless the mother will die.

Maggie Thornton said...

Obama's attempted legislation in Illinois to abort a child at any time, and not to offer any medical help for an aborted child that does not die, represents what Barack Obama really believea, and represents his intentions, no matter what he says.

He was elected anyway. It's hard to believe this is America.

Great peace Holger. It's painful to write about, isn't it?

Ed Miller said...

As Ann Coulter so ably put it (as only she can!) in this video on Hannity, Obama even believes in the "right" to abortion through the fourth trimester.

Anonymous said...

It's a woman (not the baby)'s right to decide.

How long did it take us to admit that the earth is not the center of the universe and the Sun our God? Today, we rely on GPS for navigation!

What if one day we could create a completely healthy human being from our skin cell? And that day will come sooner than we think!!! It no longer requires a fertilized egg!

You can justify however you want but soon or later, it'll become obvious that all religions are man made! And that believing in one is nothing but subjugation of self & others!

Perhaps not in our lifetime, but the truth will reveal itself!

In the meantime, let's all fight the sanctity of marriage to death while perfecting the art of masturbation!