Friday, March 13, 2009

Radical Islamic Terror Is Alive and Well In Germany?

Compared to America, Britain, Spain, France and Russia, Germany has remained a bit above the fray on islamic terror attacks...up until now, that is. Sure, the Germans have foiled a few plots but there is a new video up on the internet that is causing concern among German officials - it basically shows a couple of pieces of shit Moroccan-born islamists calling for jihad in Germany via suicide bombings. Here's some of the details from the article at the Daily Times:

A new video, in which two German Islamists call for suicide attacks in their country, has surfaced on the Internet, the government said on Thursday.The message shows two men clad in combat gear, identified as the brothers Mounir and Yassim C — aged 27 and 24 — from the western city of Bonn but of Moroccan origin, a government spokesman told AFP.P.According to the spokesman, the pair call for suicide attacks on German soil, adding, “Opt for life after death ... there is no peace,” confirming earlier reports in mass circulation daily Bild.The men are believed to belong to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IBU) and the footage was probably filmed somewhere along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the spokesman said.
Now, you have to notice that these are muslim Germans, imports from the land of skank, Morocco, who apparently didn't like the land of beer and bratwurst so they traveled to Afghanistan/Pakistan to learn the art of blowing up their bodies into 100 pieces. But, by putting this up on the internet, you just know there's enough of these asswipes around Germany who will take it seriously.

Let's face it, Germany has dodged some bullets and if you had to pick a location for the next successful attack, one would have to choose either Germany or Britain. This is just another reason why the areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan...that border region has to be gutted - can you imagine if NATO and American forces pulled out of Afghanistan, right now? Seriously, there would be more jihadi camps than you could shake a stick at.

New terror video surfaces in Germany

BERLIN: A new video, in which two German Islamists call for suicide attacks in their country, has surfaced on the Internet, the government said on Thursday.The message shows two men clad in combat gear, identified as the brothers Mounir and Yassim C — aged 27 and 24 — from the western city of Bonn but of Moroccan origin, a government spokesman told AFP.P.According to the spokesman, the pair call for suicide attacks on German soil, adding, “Opt for life after death ... there is no peace,” confirming earlier reports in mass circulation daily Bild.The men are believed to belong to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IBU) and the footage was probably filmed somewhere along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the spokesman said.Authorities have been aware of the video since the end of February and have confirmed its authenticity.Earlier this year, Germany was shaken by a 30-minute Internet video message that said the Germans were ‘gullible and naïve’ if they thought they could “escape unscathed when they are the third occupation force in Afghanistan”

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