Monday, March 16, 2009

Leftist Wins Presidency of El Salvador

With the likes of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and the Castros in Cuba continuing to stir up things in the Western hemisphere, it's unfortunate to see that the people of El Salvador have elected their first Leftist President in 17 years but it's happened - Mauricio Funes has been elected as president of the central American country. Here's the entire brief notice over at Breitbart:

Leftist candidate wins El Salvador presidential race

SAN SALVADOR, March 16 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Mauricio Funes of the leftist Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front secured victory in the presidential election of El Salvador on Sunday.
It is the first time since the end of a civil war in 1992 that the FMLN has won power.
Funes, a 49-year-old journalist, will formally assume the presidency on June 1 for a five-year term.

I read one other headline regarding this election where Funes was literally compared to BOTH Hugo Chavez AND Barack Obama....that's a bit spooky, now isn't it? The fact of the matter is that Funes' party is "associated" with FARC and this is not going to be a good situation, in my view. As central America turns more and more to the Left and to extremism, it's going to put extreme pressures on the U.S. defense of our southern borders and of course, with the recent claims that Chavez is willing to house Russian bombers in our hemisphere, it could contribute to even bigger issues.

And this leads to questions as to what the Obama administration did to assist the U.S.-friendly party in this election? Did they even attempt to support that side in El Salvador or are they continuing their position that the U.S. is a bad player in the world and we deserve more hostile neighbors to the south?


Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting that the US go back to meddling in the affairs of Latin American nations in the name of freedom and United Fruit Comapny profits? The fact that you tie this to Obama somehow is laughable. Evo Morales was elected during the Bush administration, did you blame Bush for not doing more to support his opponent?
This has nothing to do with what anyone thinks America "deserves". There is little America can do here short of an old school CIA coup. American indorsements or campain cash is the kiss of death in Latin American politics (because of the old school coups). We could endorse the candidate we don't want to win - but that would be confusing and stupid. Elections are best left alone. Most Americans would not opprove if China, the Saudis, or Israel started dumping money into our political campains in support of one canditate or another- which is why it is illegal for them to do so. If U.S. policy is to encourage more democracy in the world (ok -everywhere but Saudi Arabia) then we must be prepared for the fact that not every election will turn out in our favor.

Holger Awakens said...


I said nothing about pumping money into an El Salvadoran election but there is such a thing call diplomacy and influence. First off, I doubt that the Obama Administration even knew this election was going on - that's how over his head this guy is. And two years from now when this new leader is all chummy with the marxist terror program of Chavez, I guess Obama can look back and say "oops" and he'll still have 60% approval here.

What I'm saying is show some initiative as an administration. El Salavador's #1 trade partner is the U.S. So, how difficult is it to send a message that the wrong President in El S. might just adversely affect that? There's a ton of things that can be done by the government of America to help influence elections there that fall under completely legal and ethical guidelines. How about a trip by Obama to the country a week before the election to shake hands with the U.S. friendly bunch and shun the Left?

:Holger Danske

Anonymous said...

Such a handshake would not play well in El Salvador- people down there don't cotton to that, even as popular as Obama is. Maybe the commies down there will drive some of those American owned textile mills back here where they belong. I can hope. We kiss China's ass every day and they are more communist than El Salvador will ever be. With our economy tanking, a looming escalation in Afghanistan, the Taliban gaining in Pakistan, China holding a cold trillion in US debt- I doubt anyone here will loose sleep over this. Communism failed - everyone outside Cuba and North Korea knows it. Central American socialism seems downright quaint compared to the real problems we face. I just don't see how a socialist in El Salvador will bother America other than bringing home some outsourced jobs.