Saturday, March 14, 2009

Iraqi Revenge: Six al Qaeda in Iraq Prisoners Slaughtered In Prison Transfer

Considering what al Qaeda in Iraq actually did to the tribes in al Anbar province over the past few years, this incident shouldn't really be a surprise. The basics: six al Qaeda in Iraq prisoners captured in Mosul by U.S. troops are then transferred to the Iraqis who are transporting them to a prison and when they are traveling through al Anbar, the convoy is attacked and all six of the al Qaeda piles of dung are shot and killed. Good. Here's some of the story out of Khaleej Times Online:

Six detainees suspected of belonging to the insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq were fatally shot while being transferred from custody in the northern province of Nineveh to the western province of al-Anbar, police said.
“Unidentified gunmen killed six detained al-Qaeda members between the villages of Baiji and Haditha in the northwest of Iraq,” a source in al-Anbar’s security forces, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa on Saturday.
He said the men had been captured near Mosul by US soldiers, who transferred them to Iraqi custody. Iraqi security forces were bringing the men to Boka Prison in southern Iraq when gunmen attacked their convoy as it passed through the men’s native al-Anbar province.
Iraqi police have arrested more than 100 suspected insurgents since they launched “Operation New Hope,” an attempt to pacify the area around the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, which remains one of the country’s most dangerous areas.
To put it mildly, there are a TON of Sunni tribal members in al Anbar province (and other parts of Iraq) that are looking for some serious revenge on al Qaeda. The Awakenings in al Anbar lost many leaders to al Qaeda and so, this won't be the last instant justice that we'll see. In fact, if the U.S. pulls out as plans, I'm predicting a wholesale revenge spree in the country and it will not be pretty - and it will include revenge on the remaining Mahdi Militia members. Of course that is going to bring about some dicey Shia/Sunni conflicts for sure.

But for the six al Qaeda laying in pools of their own blood on the sands of al Anbar...let's just say Osama bin Laden says: "so long fellas...not only did you lose Iraq but their really aren't any virgins waiting on the other side."

Al-Qaeda suspects gunned down in Iraqi custody

RAMADI, IRAQ - Six detainees suspected of belonging to the insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq were fatally shot while being transferred from custody in the northern province of Nineveh to the western province of al-Anbar, police said.
“Unidentified gunmen killed six detained al-Qaeda members between the villages of Baiji and Haditha in the northwest of Iraq,” a source in al-Anbar’s security forces, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa on Saturday.
He said the men had been captured near Mosul by US soldiers, who transferred them to Iraqi custody. Iraqi security forces were bringing the men to Boka Prison in southern Iraq when gunmen attacked their convoy as it passed through the men’s native al-Anbar province.
Iraqi police have arrested more than 100 suspected insurgents since they launched “Operation New Hope,” an attempt to pacify the area around the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, which remains one of the country’s most dangerous areas.
Insurgents have responded with a rash of retaliatory bombings and shooting attacks that have mostly targeted Iraqi police and army patrols.
On Saturday, unknown gunmen shot a police officer in central Mosul’s central Saray market before disappearing into the crowd, police there said.
In an apparently unrelated attack on Saturday, Ahmed Murad Shehab, a professor in Mosul University’s Faculty of Administration and Economics was fatally shot in the predominantly Sunni neighborhood of al-Nur, on Mosul’s left bank, police said.


Shane said...

Would you think me barbaric if I hoped that the six Al Qaeda terrorists were dragged from the trucks, lined up on the side of the road, made to ponder the justice of God, and then executed one at a time?

Death isn't enough.

Anonymous said...

Shot while trying to escape?

- Layzrydr

Holger Awakens said...

No Shane, I wouldn't think you barbaric...I'd think you took the words right out of my mouth.

Layz, for me! Good to see ya here.

:Holger Danske