Friday, March 13, 2009

Britain Approves Visit of Hezbollah Official ...Didn't They Just Ban Geert Wilders?!


Thanks to commenter Avid Editor's heads up on this - the British government has now revoked the visa of this asshat - hey, maybe they heard us, huh? !!!

Oh people of Britain...I implore you to rise up against your dhimmified government! This has to stop! Just a few weeks ago, the British government banned a visit by Dutch PM Geert Wilders - they literally turned him away...and now, that same British government has decided to allow in the likes of a Hezbollah official. I think I've seen it all. Here's some of the details from the article over at Turkish Weekly:

Britain on Thursday approved the visit to the country of Hizbullah official Ibrahim Moussawi to address a seminar on political Islam at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies.
The March 25 trip will mark the first official visit of a Hizbullah representative to the UK since the European boycott of the guerrilla group was lifted in 2005.
Conservative think tank, The Center for Social Cohesion (CSC), wrote to Home Secretary Jaqui Smith to protest the decision, and said it would instruct lawyers to seek an arrest warrant for Moussawi if he is allowed into the country.
So let's do a check here: The British government has decided that Geert Wilders factual documentary "Fitna" and his appearance in Britain would create an atmosphere of perceived hate against Islam but they believe that a representative of Hezbollah which has called for the extermination of Jews and the destruction of Israel is just fine to let roam the streets of London. Sickening, isn't it?

If I may add: Dear British government, on behalf of the families of 241 American Marines, soldiers and sailors who lost their beloved sons to the hands of Hezbollah in the 1983 bombing of the barracks in Beirut, I implore you to arrest Ibrahim Moussawi and execute him by dusk of the same evening. He represents Hezbollah. He represents the killers of 241 American troops and countless innocent, dead Israelis. Grow a bloody spine, will ya?

Uk Approves Visit Of Hizbullah Official

Britain on Thursday approved the visit to the country of Hizbullah official Ibrahim Moussawi to address a seminar on political Islam at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies.
The March 25 trip will mark the first official visit of a Hizbullah representative to the UK since the European boycott of the guerrilla group was lifted in 2005.
Conservative think tank, The Center for Social Cohesion (CSC), wrote to Home Secretary Jaqui Smith to protest the decision, and said it would instruct lawyers to seek an arrest warrant for Moussawi if he is allowed into the country.
CSC director Douglas Murray said the Home Office should apply its policy of banning entry to those who "stir up tension and provoke others to violence," which was recently used to bar the Dutch lawmaker and Islam critic Geert Wilders. RELATEDGalloway secretly meets with HaniyehTalking to Hizbullah
Murray expressed concern that the government "finds it acceptable that an individual who incites hatred against the Jewish people and of Israelis should be permitted to enter."
CSC researcher Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens called Moussawi "a member of a terrorist group that is ideologically devoted to the destruction of Israel and the extermination of Jews worldwide; a group which murders political opponents as a matter of policy and terrorizes members of the Lebanese population who dare to defy them."
The decision to approve Moussawi's entry comes a week after Bill Rammell, the Foreign Office minister for the Middle East, told the British Parliament that his government would hold discussions with Hizbullah's political wing.
Rammell said that decision was made "in the light of more positive developments in Lebanon, and the formation of the national unity government in which Hizbullah is participating."


Anonymous said...

Did you see this? Keep up the good work.
Avid Editor

Anonymous said...

Shame on Britain- they should let them both in. If the Muslims in Holland don't like legal weed, prostitution, and openly gay couples, fuck 'um, let them live in Utah, love it or leave it (I loved it). Like it or not Hezbollah represents a sizeable chunk of the Lebanese parliament, just the kind of speaker you would want for a course like that. Who would you suggest come speak to a class on that subject? You've got western backed dictators like Hosni Mubarrak, corrupt royalty (is there any other kind), and then you've got Hezbollah, SCIRI, and that ilk. Of those options- who doesn't have ties to guerrilla fighters when it comes to Israel? Not a lot of options when it comes to politics in the Middle East. The Neo Cons and the British want more democracy in the the Middle East - there you go, the will of the people, Hamas and Hezbollah. Sure Hezbollah attacked and killed our Marines in 1982, the Vietnamese did it in 1972, the Germans and Japanese in 1942, the Philipinos, the Spanish, the Mexicans, etc.before that. We have normal diplomatic relations with Vietnam and they have never apologized for killing any US troops. How many sailors died when the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty, in broad daylight with American flags clearly visible?

Holger Awakens said...

Avid Editor,

Thanks so much for the breaking update on this - I've updated the original post.

Equerita (or is it Esquerita?),

I have to agree with Brent's summation of your comment but first I'd like to point out that Hezbollah currently holds 14 seats out of 128 in the Lebanese parliament - that's not a sizeable chunk at all. Secondly, tell me the last time that Hosni Mubarrak ordered a terrorist attack and then tell me the last time that Nasrallah ordered one.

And yes, we have relations with Japan, Germany, etc - we were at war with those countries, peace treaties were signed - Hezbollah killed American troops in an act of terror - there is a difference between war and terror, don't you agree?

Finally, as for the USS Liberty incident - I contend this was an accident during war - I've seen dozens of conspiracy theories but I've yet to hear a valid reason why Israel would have waged this attack - what was the motive?

Fortunately, when American Air Force pilots killed a number of British troops in Iraq early in the Iraq War by accident, the British haven't stooped to the low of claiming it was intentional.

:Holger Danske

Anonymous said...

Cockroaches will be around long after we are all gone - I'll take that as a compliment. I don't care for Hezbollah - but I do care for academic freedom. I support the right of any group I personally despise to speak at any college. How many times has Ian Paisley (N. Irish wingnut) or any IRA (Sein Fien) member spoken at a college campus? They never planted bombs? 14 seats out of 128 is a chunk if you are a guerrilla army with no official relationship with a western government. I'm just sayin'- to have a representative from Hebollah speak at a college course on Islamic Politics is not far fetched. Also- war is an act of terror. I see no difference in Viet Cong killing US troops in an ambush and Hezbollah killing Marines in a bombing. War is hell and both are acts of war. Commies killing "in cold blood" is ok, but not Hezbollah? To have a representative of the Vietnamese government speak at a communism seminar would not raise an eyebrow. At some point every nation will have relations with people they used to kill. I know that takes a long time- I'm from the South.
As for smoking weed during hot homo sex with a prostitute - I don't live in Amsterdam, though it is a great place to visit, and I lost Larry Craig's number. Republicans are the ones obsessed with homos- I voted Democrat.
I do applaud the efforts of the Dutch to stop the Mullahs from spoiling the party. If Muslims can't handle legal dope, whores, and "the Dutch lifestyle", they should move back to Cairo.
Findalis - How many Christians and Druze to you recon the IDF has killed in the past 30 years? Nice to know you care so much for them. Have a good weekend y'all. I'm cracking a cold one, listening to some old R&B records and forgetting politics until Monday. God Bless America.