I'm not totally enamored by this article at Family Security Matters use of comparison of what Geert Wilders is going through right now with that of Martin Luther King, Jr. but I think the text that describes what we in the West need to do now in support of Wilders is terrific. I encourage you to read the full article. As you know, Wilders is facing a Dutch court for inciting hate against islamists via his film, "Fitna." Here are some excerpts from the article, look at the power in the first paragraph:
I think that last sentence says it all: " Our destiny is not to ignore Islamic supremacism's war on equality and liberty, but to stand ready to defend these human rights."
What the islamists, who seek the World Caliphate, don't understand about America is this: we as Americans regard our freedom and liberties with higher regard than the islamists regard Allah or Mo. Sure, Americans have a tendency to bend...to accomodate...it's part of our nature as a nation built of immigrants but unlike Europe, we have a breaking point. There is a line in the dirt in American soil that NO ONE will be allowed to cross - that goes for radical islamists, that goes for Barack Obama, that goes for Leftists inside of America. When someone crosses that line in regards to our freedom and liberty, you will see a fight from Americans that will rival the valor of any Marines unit. And don't forget, the regular Joes and Janes of America who will defend that line in the dirt....they are armed. Very well armed.
The world has to watch this Wilders trial closely because in essence, it is a trial of truth versus lies. Geert Wilders spoke the truth in his film...that cannot be disputed and if he is convicted, it should send a signal to all Western freedom fighters that there is nothing you can do that can stop a similar legal attack anywhere. A guilty verdict for Wilders is simply a call to arms in western society.
And as the author of the article says:
We are all Geert Wilders now. We Fear No Evil.
In the case of Geert Wilders, a court was repulsed by his comments comparing Islamic supremacism's beliefs to those expressed in Hitler's Mein Kampf. That court was not repulsed by the daily calls for killing Jews by Islamic supremacists. That court was not repulsed by the anti-Semitic hate that is regularly channeled in the Islamic supremacist media. That court was not repulsed by the regular calls for the destruction of Israel by Islamic supremacists. That court was not repulsed by the references to the anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion promoted in Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf within the very charter of the Islamic supremacist Hamas organization, a group defended by protestors in the Netherlands over the past few weeks. That court was not repulsed by other Netherlands politicians defending calls for an intifada against Israel, while Amsterdam crowds called for "Jews to the gas."
But our destiny is different and our future is based on who we are, not what we fear. Our destiny is not to live a lie of supremacism, but to embrace the truth of humanity's inalienable right of equality. Our destiny is not to depend on the whims of the merciless, but to extend our courage of equality and liberty to the hopeless and the helpless. Our destiny is not to find solace by cowering in a dark corner, but to shine a torch of truth even in the darkest night. Our destiny is not to ignore Islamic supremacism's war on equality and liberty, but to stand ready to defend these human rights.
I think that last sentence says it all: " Our destiny is not to ignore Islamic supremacism's war on equality and liberty, but to stand ready to defend these human rights."
What the islamists, who seek the World Caliphate, don't understand about America is this: we as Americans regard our freedom and liberties with higher regard than the islamists regard Allah or Mo. Sure, Americans have a tendency to bend...to accomodate...it's part of our nature as a nation built of immigrants but unlike Europe, we have a breaking point. There is a line in the dirt in American soil that NO ONE will be allowed to cross - that goes for radical islamists, that goes for Barack Obama, that goes for Leftists inside of America. When someone crosses that line in regards to our freedom and liberty, you will see a fight from Americans that will rival the valor of any Marines unit. And don't forget, the regular Joes and Janes of America who will defend that line in the dirt....they are armed. Very well armed.
The world has to watch this Wilders trial closely because in essence, it is a trial of truth versus lies. Geert Wilders spoke the truth in his film...that cannot be disputed and if he is convicted, it should send a signal to all Western freedom fighters that there is nothing you can do that can stop a similar legal attack anywhere. A guilty verdict for Wilders is simply a call to arms in western society.
And as the author of the article says:
We are all Geert Wilders now. We Fear No Evil.
Defying Islamic Supremacism – We Are All Geert Wilders Now
Jeffrey Imm
We know these tactics, and we know the frightened people behind them. We know those who would sell out their values and principles to totalitarian ideologues for the hope that they can declare "peace in our time." We know how much they dread acknowledging the reality that appeasement of supremacist ideologies will never quench the endless thirst for equality and liberty in humankind. We know how supremacists desperately cling to the lie of their superiority, for without it, they must acknowledge the harsh reality that their society is built on a hopeless delusion. We know how much the frightened people just desperately want to be left alone, and not be forced to have to face the difficult decisions that a world of mutuality must make to recognize the inalienable human rights of equality and liberty. Most of all, we understand the frightened people, because even though we oppose their tactics, we know that they are fellow human beings, and because if our fate had been different they could have been us.But our destiny is different and our future is based on who we are, not what we fear. Our destiny is not to live a lie of supremacism, but to embrace the truth of humanity's inalienable right of equality. Our destiny is not to depend on the whims of the merciless, but to extend our courage of equality and liberty to the hopeless and the helpless. Our destiny is not to find solace by cowering in a dark corner, but to shine a torch of truth even in the darkest night. Our destiny is not to ignore Islamic supremacism's war on equality and liberty, but to stand ready to defend these human rights.We have not sought out conflict, but we have been challenged to prove the courage of our convictions. In the struggle of promoting equality and liberty against Islamic supremacism, we have been handed the responsibility to prove our dedication to humanity's inalienable rights. The decision over whether we will defend the principles of freedom or submit to the lie of Islamic supremacism is more than a war of ideas – it is a measure of our generation's willpower and resolve.It is more than a debate by learned individuals referencing documents, organizations, actions, people, and history. It is more than an argument of who, what, where, and when. It is more than debating those who live in denial over the threat of Islamic supremacism, more than debating those who believe equality and liberty are merely relative values, and more than debating those who believe that humanity has no purpose or value at all.Most of all, the fight for equality and liberty is a struggle to protect humanity's very identity in freedom, and a commitment to preserve and protect our inalienable human rights for the helpless, the hopeless, those without a voice, and for the next generation. It is a test to see if the flame of courage in our hearts will burn bright against the darkness of a supremacist ideology that seeks to envelop our civilization.
God bless and protect Geert Wilders for taking an unbending stand for the truth. Would that American politicians would be more interested in our freedom and liberty. They have no skill for seeing the dangers our way of life is facing. Our forefathers, who gave their very lives, would be appalled at the spineless buffoons we have elected.
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -Patrick Henry
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams
Great stuff, Brent...as always.
:Holger Danske
Bit of a Bloglavich hair fanatic, but a well spoken, to be respected politician for saying, and standing for what is evident: Islam is Hate. Islam is Danger. Islam is evil. Muslims, on the other hand, not bad in my experience. It is the Islamists, that are so bad.
I'm having more and more trouble distinguishing between a muslim and a islamist.
:Holger Danske
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