During the Lebanon War of 2006 between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah terror group, the World cried out for the United Nations to end the war. What finally evolved was a resolution, specifically U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, which stated that Israel and Hezbollah would withdraw from southern Lebanon. That resolution also demanded that there be no more Hezbollah activity in the future in that area while the U.N. would have observers in that area to monitor it. At the time, I objected to this resolution on the grounds that Hezbollah would NOT abide by it. And now, not even two years later, there have been numerous violations by Hezbollah of the resolution and military manuevers this past week were the most blatant to date. Here's some of the details on the military exercises from the article at Haaretz:
This violation by Hezbollah cannot be a surprise to anyone in the world. It's been well documented that no islamic regime, no terrorist organization, no Arab country has EVER lived up to the terms of a ceasefire, a truce, a peace treaty or any U.N. resolution.
We saw the way Saddam Hussein viewed compliance to U.N. Security Council mandates. We are seeing how Iran is "complying" with U.N. laws regarding nuclear proliferation. We have seen the government of Hamas break every peace treaty detail. And now, Hezbollah has a list of violations of this U.N. resolution the length of lying madman Nasrallah's nose.
What the world does not realize is simply that islamic countries do not view any treaty or resolution as binding. Their actions are governed solely on their ideology's mandate that they dominate the world. It's been documented that this is so. But yet the world STILL clings to some ridiculous hope that the islamists operate in the same arena of good faith that the West does. They do not. They simply wish to destroy us.
Hezbollah engaged in military practice drills south of the Litani River on Saturday, according to a report by the pan-Arab satellite news station Al-Arabiya and cited by Israel Radio. Though the maneuvers focused on force deployment in mountainous areas and did not include any live fire exercises, holding such exercises south of the Litani would be a breach of the terms of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which bans any Hezbollah activity there.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak met last month with the commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon to protest Hezbollah's continued arms smuggling from Syria, in violation of Security Council Resolution 1701.
This violation by Hezbollah cannot be a surprise to anyone in the world. It's been well documented that no islamic regime, no terrorist organization, no Arab country has EVER lived up to the terms of a ceasefire, a truce, a peace treaty or any U.N. resolution.
We saw the way Saddam Hussein viewed compliance to U.N. Security Council mandates. We are seeing how Iran is "complying" with U.N. laws regarding nuclear proliferation. We have seen the government of Hamas break every peace treaty detail. And now, Hezbollah has a list of violations of this U.N. resolution the length of lying madman Nasrallah's nose.
What the world does not realize is simply that islamic countries do not view any treaty or resolution as binding. Their actions are governed solely on their ideology's mandate that they dominate the world. It's been documented that this is so. But yet the world STILL clings to some ridiculous hope that the islamists operate in the same arena of good faith that the West does. They do not. They simply wish to destroy us.
Report: Hezbollah carries out military drills in south Lebanon
Hezbollah engaged in military practice drills south of the Litani River on Saturday, according to a report by the pan-Arab satellite news station Al-Arabiya and cited by Israel Radio. Though the maneuvers focused on force deployment in mountainous areas and did not include any live fire exercises, holding such exercises south of the Litani would be a breach of the terms of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which bans any Hezbollah activity there. Resolution 1701 calls or a full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, who engaged in a month-long conflict in southern Lebanon during the summer of 2006. The resolution also calls for withdrawal of both Israeli and Hezbollah troops from southern Lebanon, to be replaced by UNIFIL peacekeeping troops. It also requires Hezbollah to disarm.
Barak said the Israel Defense Forces is closely monitoring the Lebanon border, and has seen Hezbollah gaining strength over the past two years, with close Syrian assistance. "The repeated violation of 1701 could lead us to upset of the delicate balance that exists in Lebanon, and it poses a substantive danger to the entire region," Barak said. The UNIFIL commander also met last month with IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, who similarly complained to the visiting UNIFIL commander about continued arms smuggling. The two also discussed Israel's withdrawal from the divided border town of Ghajar.
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