I want you all to closely read this section of the article on the latest on Iran's nuclear program from the International Herald Tribune:
I wanted you all to pay close attention to that because in 3 months or so, when the next story comes out that states:
" Iran kicks out U.N. inspectors over feud"
When that headline comes out, you will know that we are getting close to doomsday and then of course, two months later we'll see another headline:
"Experts fear Iran has perfected purification of uranium"
And two months after that:
"U.S. intelligence reports Iranians have workable nuclear warhead design"
And at that point, Israel...Europe...the whole world if fucked.
We have seen the world sit on their bloody hands for over 14 months while the Iranian pukes have moved forward with their nuclear proliferation plans. First the damn U.N. said they had no evidence of uranium enrichment, then there were claims the Iranians could never produce enough uranium....well folks, you just read it - THEY HAVE ENOUGH URANIUM FOR THE BOMB!
And so we sit on our bloody hands and say "well, they might have the uranium but they haven't purified it and/or don't have that essential nuclear warhead." Well, when they DO have it purified and DO have the warhead, it's too late, suckers.
President Bush, if you had a break in activities today and happen to be reading Holger Awakens, I implore you to call in President-elect Obama, lay this stuff out for him and then the two of you pick up the phone and call Prime Minister Olmert in Israel and get the contingent plans to blow up this Iranian facility underway NOW! We cannot afford to wait one more day to start the wheels in motion. Over 75% of the world has said that Iran cannot be allowed nuclear weapons - do something about it - believe me, the world will rejoice the smoking wastelands of Iran when this evil is extinguished.
Iran has now produced roughly enough nuclear material to make, with added purification, a single atom bomb, according to nuclear experts analyzing the latest report from global atomic inspectors.
The figures detailing Iran's progress were contained in a routine update on Wednesday from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which has been conducting inspections of the country's main nuclear plant at Natanz. The report concluded that as of early this month, Iran had made 630 kilograms, or about 1,390 pounds, of low-enriched uranium.
Several experts said that was enough for a bomb, but they cautioned that the milestone was mostly symbolic, because Iran would have to take additional steps. Not only would it have to breach its international agreements and kick out the inspectors, but it would also have to further purify the fuel and put it into a warhead design — a technical advance that Western experts are unsure Iran has yet achieved.
I wanted you all to pay close attention to that because in 3 months or so, when the next story comes out that states:
" Iran kicks out U.N. inspectors over feud"
When that headline comes out, you will know that we are getting close to doomsday and then of course, two months later we'll see another headline:
"Experts fear Iran has perfected purification of uranium"
And two months after that:
"U.S. intelligence reports Iranians have workable nuclear warhead design"
And at that point, Israel...Europe...the whole world if fucked.
We have seen the world sit on their bloody hands for over 14 months while the Iranian pukes have moved forward with their nuclear proliferation plans. First the damn U.N. said they had no evidence of uranium enrichment, then there were claims the Iranians could never produce enough uranium....well folks, you just read it - THEY HAVE ENOUGH URANIUM FOR THE BOMB!
And so we sit on our bloody hands and say "well, they might have the uranium but they haven't purified it and/or don't have that essential nuclear warhead." Well, when they DO have it purified and DO have the warhead, it's too late, suckers.
President Bush, if you had a break in activities today and happen to be reading Holger Awakens, I implore you to call in President-elect Obama, lay this stuff out for him and then the two of you pick up the phone and call Prime Minister Olmert in Israel and get the contingent plans to blow up this Iranian facility underway NOW! We cannot afford to wait one more day to start the wheels in motion. Over 75% of the world has said that Iran cannot be allowed nuclear weapons - do something about it - believe me, the world will rejoice the smoking wastelands of Iran when this evil is extinguished.
Iran said to have enough nuclear fuel for one weapon
"They clearly have enough material for a bomb," said Richard Garwin, a top nuclear physicist who helped invent the hydrogen bomb and has advised Washington for decades. "They know how to do the enrichment. Whether they know how to design a bomb, well, that's another matter."
Iran insists that it wants only to fuel reactors for nuclear power. But many Western nations, led by the United States, suspect that its real goal is to gain the ability to make nuclear weapons.
While some Iranian officials have threatened to bar inspectors in the past, the country has made no such moves, and many experts inside the Bush administration and the IAEA believe it will avoid the risk of attempting "nuclear breakout" until it possessed a larger uranium supply.
Even so, for President-elect Barack Obama, the report underscores the magnitude of the problem that he will inherit Jan. 20: an Iranian nuclear program that has not only solved many technical problems of uranium enrichment, but that can also now credibly claim to possess enough material to make a weapon if negotiations with Europe and the United States break down.
American intelligence agencies have said Iran could make a bomb between 2009 and 2015. A national intelligence estimate made public late last year concluded that around the end of 2003, after long effort, Iran had halted work on an actual weapon. But enriching uranium, and obtaining enough material to build a weapon, is considered the most difficult part of the process.
Siegfried Hecker of Stanford University and a former director of the Los Alamos weapons laboratory said the growing size of the Iranian stockpile "underscored that they are marching down the path to developing the nuclear weapons option."
In the report to its board, the atomic agency said Iran's main enrichment plant was now feeding uranium into about 3,800 centrifuges — machines that spin incredibly fast to enrich the element into nuclear fuel. That count is the same as in the agency's last quarterly report, in September. Iran began installing the centrifuges in early 2007. But the new report's total of 630 kilograms — an increase of about 150 — shows that Iran has been making progress in accumulating material to make nuclear fuel.
That uranium has been enriched to the low levels needed to fuel a nuclear reactor. To further purify it to the highly enriched state needed to fuel a nuclear warhead, Iran would have to reconfigure its centrifuges and do a couple months of additional processing, nuclear experts said.
"They have a weapon's worth," Thomas Cochran, a senior scientist in the nuclear program of the Natural Resources Defense Council, a private group in Washington that tracks atomic arsenals, said in an interview.
He said the amount was suitable for a relatively advanced implosion-type weapon like the one dropped on Nagasaki. Its core, he added, would be about the size of a grapefruit. He said a cruder design would require about twice as much weapon-grade fuel.
The news of the world just gets better and better every day. Quit worrying folks, on Jan 20, 2009 the world will suddenly be a nice peacefull place, hamas and fatah will be happy with their neighbors, churches will be built in mecca, and every boy and girl will have their very own unicorns.
Fight fire with fire, nuclear fire.
lol anonymous...nice.
It may take, just that.
:Holger Danske
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