Did you get that? Only 2 percent of all muslims in America voted for John McCain - guess my vote for McCain was just justified once more! This poll is published over at C.A.I.R.'s website, which I refuse to link to here at Holger Awakens, so I will post the entire article at the bottom of this thread. But here's a bit of the data:
So let's take a look at this. CAIR, the jihadists under the veil of a non-profit community relations organization, has said all along that they denounce terror and that American muslims denounce terror. So, John McCain is against islamic terror in the world and at the same time has stood by the Iraqi muslim population to help free them from the tyranny of al Qaeda in Iraq and that same John McCain got 2 percent of the American muslim vote. Why?
I'll tell you why. Because CAIR and America's muslims DO NOT DENOUNCE ISLAMIC JIHAD! They are all liars. 89 percent of American muslims voted for Obama because they know he will be:
a) Soft on islamic terror
b) Soft on terror groups inside of America
c) Sympathetic to sharia law
d) Cooperative in dhimmifying America
It doesn't hurt I guess when you have a muslim name either. By the way, if you are curious, this poll was commissioned by an umbrella of muslim organizations - one of the members of that umbrella alliance, of course, is CAIR.
So, the trifecta is complete - B. Hussein Obama had the support of Arab terrorists in the Middle East, he had the support of the Asian islamic jihadists and now it is shown that Obama had the full support of America's muslims. In these tough economic times here in the U.S., a billion dollar idea is waiting for one of you - a mosque construction company in America. Under Obama, we'll see more mosques go up than convenience stores.
The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) today released the results of a poll indicating that almost 90 percent of American Muslim voters picked Barack Obama in Tuesday’s election. That survey of more than 600 American Muslim voters also indicated that just two percent of respondents cast their ballots for Sen. John McCain.
So let's take a look at this. CAIR, the jihadists under the veil of a non-profit community relations organization, has said all along that they denounce terror and that American muslims denounce terror. So, John McCain is against islamic terror in the world and at the same time has stood by the Iraqi muslim population to help free them from the tyranny of al Qaeda in Iraq and that same John McCain got 2 percent of the American muslim vote. Why?
I'll tell you why. Because CAIR and America's muslims DO NOT DENOUNCE ISLAMIC JIHAD! They are all liars. 89 percent of American muslims voted for Obama because they know he will be:
a) Soft on islamic terror
b) Soft on terror groups inside of America
c) Sympathetic to sharia law
d) Cooperative in dhimmifying America
It doesn't hurt I guess when you have a muslim name either. By the way, if you are curious, this poll was commissioned by an umbrella of muslim organizations - one of the members of that umbrella alliance, of course, is CAIR.
So, the trifecta is complete - B. Hussein Obama had the support of Arab terrorists in the Middle East, he had the support of the Asian islamic jihadists and now it is shown that Obama had the full support of America's muslims. In these tough economic times here in the U.S., a billion dollar idea is waiting for one of you - a mosque construction company in America. Under Obama, we'll see more mosques go up than convenience stores.
Poll: 89 Percent of Muslim Voters Picked Obama
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/7/2008) - The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections (AMT) today released the results of a poll indicating that almost 90 percent of American Muslim voters picked Barack Obama in Tuesday’s election. That survey of more than 600 American Muslim voters also indicated that just two percent of respondents cast their ballots for Sen. John McCain.
SEE: American Muslims Overwhelmingly Voted Democratic (Newsweek)
Poll Findings:
Of those who voted, 89 percent cast their ballot for Barack Obama.
Just two percent of respondents said they voted for John McCain.
Most of the respondents (78 percent) reside in ten states: Illinois, New York, Virginia, Michigan, California, Texas, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida, and Pennsylvania.
Ninety-five percent of respondents said they voted in the presidential election, whether at the polls or by absentee ballot. This is the highest American Muslim voter turnout ever reported.
Of those who voted, almost 14 percent said they did so for the first time.
One-fourth of respondents said they volunteered for or donated money to a political campaign in this election.
American Muslim voters are increasingly identifying themselves with the Democratic Party. More than two-thirds said they consider themselves Democrats. Most of the rest, or 29 percent, still consider themselves independent. Only four percent said they are Republicans.
More than two-thirds (63 percent) of respondents said the economy was the most important issue that affected their voting decision. This was followed by 16 percent who said the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were the most important. (In January 2008, a sample of 1000 Muslim voters rated education and civil rights as the top issues.)
For complete poll results, click here.
At a news conference today at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., representatives of AMT and partner organizations shared the results of the poll. Speaking at the news conference were AMT Chairman Dr. Agha Saeed, Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society-Freedom Foundation (MAS-FF), and Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
“We are pleased to see such a high turnout by American Muslim voters, particularly in states that helped determine the outcome of the election. This shows that the American Muslim community is fully engaged in civic life,” said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.
The poll, conducted by Genesis Research Associates, was commissioned by AMT. Random digit dialing was used to conduct phone interviews with individuals drawn from a large American Muslim voter database. A total of 637 Muslim voters were interviewed November 5 and 6, 2008. The margin of error is 3.87 percent.
AMT is an umbrella organization that includes: American Muslim Alliance (AMA), American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), Muslim American Society-Freedom Foundation (MAS-FF), Muslim Student Association-National (MSA-N), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), and United Muslims of America (UMA). AMT observer organizations include: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and Islamic Educational Center of Orange County (IEC).
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