Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lebanese Muslim Sheik Explains Good Terrorism From Bad Terrorism

This is almost to ridiculous to believe but here goes...a Lebanese islamist sheik has decided to enlighten the world as to the difference between "Good" terrorism and "Bad" terrorism. Now, before you jump to the conclusion that he is talking about jihadists that kill innocent muslims versus the hated crusaders....look at what he has to say from the article at Israel National News:

Lebanese Muslim Sheikh Omar Baki said on television, "There are two types of terrorism, blessed and deplorable. In an interview translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), he explained that "America represents the camp of Western terrorism, and there is another camp of terrorism within Islam…. America's violence is meant to take lives, and so its terrorism is deplorable, whereas the violence the mujahideen use for defense and retaliation is meant to protect lives and defend honor. Their terrorism is blessed. Not all terrorism is deplorable.

So, there you have it. We can all close up our books on terrorism and rest easy now that asshat Omar Baki has informed us that America represents bad terrorism and that the islamists' version of jihad is good terror! Unbelievable. If I wasn't laughing so hard I'd have more shit to throw at this imbecile.

Muslim Sheikh Differs Between Good and Bad Terrorism

( Lebanese Muslim Sheikh Omar Baki said on television, "There are two types of terrorism, blessed and deplorable. In an interview translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), he explained that "America represents the camp of Western terrorism, and there is another camp of terrorism within Islam…. America's violence is meant to take lives, and so its terrorism is deplorable, whereas the violence the mujahideen use for defense and retaliation is meant to protect lives and defend honor. Their terrorism is blessed. Not all terrorism is deplorable.
"Why do people say that Islam is being distorted today, when these are jihad operations against an enemy occupying Muslim lands? What's the difference between America in Iraq and Israel in Palestine?"

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