Monday, September 15, 2008

British Islamists Hold Conference To Celebrate 9/11

This goup is nothing but pigs and one would hope that someday, every last one of them will pay for attending this conference in Britain. Here's the details of the swine's conference from Asharq Al-Awsat:

Islamic fundamentalists in Britain held a conference coinciding with the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Members of the fundamentalist "Al-Ghuraba" movement gave speeches and a Ramadan fast breaking dinner was held during the London event.
The conference was held under the banner, "The September Attacks: Have You Learned the Lesson?"

On his part, Saif-al-Islam, a Briton of Asian origin from the Salafist Youths group in Luton, praised Al-Qaeda's leader who confronted, according to him, "the West's dictatorship and hypocrisy" and said in his speech: "The West will not know security and safety if the foreign forces are not withdrawn from the Muslims' lands."

Now, I know most Americans reading about this conference's theme are going to be appalled by this and will probably shake their heads as to how this can possibly go on in a country like Britain instead of some Arab land, but I'm here to tell all that I will wager you this: this kind of conference will be held in the United States in years to come if we do not wake up to the lessons learned in Europe.

Think about these swine revelling in their food and drink ...chanting celebratory passages about the deaths of over 3,000 dead Americans when we see one more lawsuit brought against American citizens by C.A.I.R. Think about the asshat Lebanese jihadist as he speaks about how the attacks were justified when you hear of another ACLU lawyer filing a hate crime charge on behalf of a muslim in America. Think about all of that as you watch the soft jihad continue to hit America and ask yourself this: "Am I going to stand by and watch the dhimmification of America happen just like it did in Britain?"

UK Islamists Hold 9/11 Conference

London, Asharq Al-Awsat- Islamic fundamentalists in Britain held a conference coinciding with the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Members of the fundamentalist "Al-Ghuraba" movement gave speeches and a Ramadan fast breaking dinner was held during the London event.
The conference was held under the banner, "The September Attacks: Have You Learned the Lesson?" while, Omar Bakri Fustuq, the Lebanese Islamist who established the fundamentalist "Al-Muhajiroun" movement which dissolved itself took part in it from Beirut through a satellite Video link up. The participants chanted when Bakri, who is banned from entering Britain, appeared on the screen talking about the camps of right and falsehood and the continuation of the struggle until the hour of judgment.
Lawyer Anjum Chaudhry, the former secretary general of the fundamentalist movement, said in a telephone interview with Asharq Al-Awsat that the conference started at 1830 hours and continued until 2130 during which there was a fast breaking dinner. Bakri claimed through the video link that British intelligence tried to assassinate him in his apartment in Beirut and described Osama Bin Laden as a true Muslim because he resists US policies. On his part, Saif-al-Islam, a Briton of Asian origin from the Salafist Youths group in Luton, praised Al-Qaeda's leader who confronted, according to him, "the West's dictatorship and hypocrisy" and said in his speech: "The West will not know security and safety if the foreign forces are not withdrawn from the Muslims' lands."

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