Sunday, September 7, 2008

9/11: Have You Forgotten?


Anonymous said...

Thanks. Can't hear that often enough.

Anonymous said...

Of course this song wouldn't have been written if some in our society had not forgotten. The people planning this were at it long before Bush took office. I now they like to blame Bush for this, but if they were planning this during the Clinton years then maybe they were just mad at the Democrats!!!

Holger Awakens said...

anonymous, thanks for stopping by.

theblakester, i don't think the islamists give a crap if the American government leaders have a (D) or an (R) behind their names...we are infidels and crusaders and we must be destroyed, in their eyes.

The islamists don't want Obama to be elected because they think they can work with him, they want him so they can seize another opening like they had on 9/11.

:Holger Danske