The islamists from C.A.I.R. have once again decided to make Minnesota a battle ground for their agenda of creating special rights for muslims in America. This time, CAIR is propping up a discrimination case against a restaurant chain headquartered in Minnesota who apparently had the gall to want to enforce their uniform code for their operations. Here's some of the details from KAAL-TV:
Now, I offer up the last sentence of the article:
Now, here's the other part of this scam by CAIR. There is NO WHERE in the Qur'an of islam that head covering of a woman is mandated. In other words, if a muslim woman wishes to cover her head, her face or her big fat ass, that is her CHOICE, not a requirement or even observation of her "religion." I just watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and noticed the Jordanian contingent of athletes walk in - there were half a dozen Jordanian female athletes there and not one of them wore a hijab or veil. And they are muslim.
This is another opportunistic attempt by CAIR to rewrite the laws and Constitution of America. And the scary part of it all is that within a week, Old Country Buffet will cave in and allow this girl a job and rewrite their dress code policy. If the OCB management decides to take CAIR up on their offer of training, then I'd suggest that everyone skip their next meal at OCB.
Two weeks ago Maryam Abdi, 16, walked into Old Country Buffet in Fridley with an application in hand, hoping to land a job as a cashier.So, now...let's look at how CAIR stepped into this and strap yourself into your chair when you view this arrogance and gall:
But as soon as she sat down for the interview, Abdi claims the manager asked about what she was wearing on her head.
"(She asked) ‘do you always wear that scarf on your head?’ I told her ‘yes, it's part of my religion’," Abdi said.
And with that, Abdi says the interview was over.
"She told me right on the spot, ‘I can't even give you this interview because you're violating the uniform regulation’," Abdi said.
Those with the Council on American Islamic Relations say this is a typical case of discrimination.Not only do the terrorists at CAIR want to fry Old Country Buffets for this so-called discrimination but they are going to insist that THEY TEACH OCB how to operate their business? WTF? Diversity training my ass - this is Submission and Appeasement Training.
Taneeza Islam says the Minnesota Human Rights Act allows employees the right to practice their religion at work. She has already reached out to Old Country Buffet to educate management.
"We'd like to sit down with them and talk about the law," Islam said. "We'd like to offer our diversity training for them so they understand how religious accommodation works."
Now, I offer up the last sentence of the article:
According to the Old Country Buffet dress code policy, cashiers are not allowed to wear hats, tattoos and accessories.That's the company policy. In other words, if a 16 yr old boy wants to be a cashier and insists on wearing his Minnesota Twins or KoRn baseball cap, he doesn't get the job. But since this girl insists on wearing a head scarf, she is afforded exception? I'm guessing by the definition of that dress code policy that a Christian 16 yr old girl couldn't be a cashier if she insisted on wearing a crucifix outside of her blouse or sweater.
Now, here's the other part of this scam by CAIR. There is NO WHERE in the Qur'an of islam that head covering of a woman is mandated. In other words, if a muslim woman wishes to cover her head, her face or her big fat ass, that is her CHOICE, not a requirement or even observation of her "religion." I just watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and noticed the Jordanian contingent of athletes walk in - there were half a dozen Jordanian female athletes there and not one of them wore a hijab or veil. And they are muslim.
This is another opportunistic attempt by CAIR to rewrite the laws and Constitution of America. And the scary part of it all is that within a week, Old Country Buffet will cave in and allow this girl a job and rewrite their dress code policy. If the OCB management decides to take CAIR up on their offer of training, then I'd suggest that everyone skip their next meal at OCB.
Old Country Buffet accused of discrimination
Two weeks ago Maryam Abdi, 16, walked into Old Country Buffet in Fridley with an application in hand, hoping to land a job as a cashier.
But as soon as she sat down for the interview, Abdi claims the manager asked about what she was wearing on her head.
"(She asked) ‘do you always wear that scarf on your head?’ I told her ‘yes, it's part of my religion’," Abdi said.
And with that, Abdi says the interview was over.
"She told me right on the spot, ‘I can't even give you this interview because you're violating the uniform regulation’," Abdi said.
"She didn't even give me a chance," Abdi said. ‘She just judged me on what I wear and not who I am."
5 EYEWITNESS NEWS called Old Country Buffet corporate headquarters. A member of the legal team said, "We are a solid member of a diverse community and are serious about being an equal opportunity employer. We are investigating this matter."
Those with the Council on American Islamic Relations say this is a typical case of discrimination.
Taneeza Islam says the Minnesota Human Rights Act allows employees the right to practice their religion at work. She has already reached out to Old Country Buffet to educate management.
"We'd like to sit down with them and talk about the law," Islam said. "We'd like to offer our diversity training for them so they understand how religious accommodation works."
According to the Old Country Buffet dress code policy, cashiers are not allowed to wear hats, tattoos and accessories.
Maybe CAIR could throw acid on the "uncovered" women who work at Old Country. That's what happens in many islamic countries.
I thought that Muslim women needed to be accompanied in public by their father, brother, or husband? Does OCB also need to hire that person as well? I love OCB and really hope they fight this.
Nothing would surpise me in the actions of these islamists..here in the U.S. or anywhere.
I agree - OCB needs to fight this tooth and nail. Once a company lets some fringe radical group control their operations, they are dead in the water. What's to stop this girl from starting work there and then insist that she must be able to pray on her prayer mat in the middle of the restaurant twice during her shift?
:Holger Danske
As for being accompanied by a male - you have to remember this girl is an American muslim - that means she uses the American part to break all of the rules of the islamic ideology she doesn't like and uses what she can to get her way in American society when it suits her.
:Holger Danske
Interestingly, the ever clueless 'reporters' apparently did not seem to catch the incongruity of poor little Maryam's unqualified assertion that her 'scarf' is a part of her religion during their interview with CAIR 'rep' Taneeza Islam, in which she very clearly does NOT wear such a 'scarf'.
Dear little Maryam is expressing HER personal (and oh, so handy)understanding of Islam; an understanding obviously NOT shared by all Muslims.
As there is no unifying voice in Islam, OCB should exploit the disparity between those two women's personal dress standards to their advantage and to America's education about Islam.
It's pretty funny how you try to make it look like you/USA/OCB/and all Americans are a victim. Everything that you said made no sense. FYI, Hijab IS mandatory in the Islamic religion. I, myself, would know this way more than you do considering that I am a Muslim girl. Yes, you didnt find it in the Quran, but you're probably just blind. The quran says for us to cover, and so does our prophet. All of our answers to our religion is NOT only found in the Quran, but is also found by what the prophet says, and what the scholars agree on.
I understand that you saw other girls not wearing the scarf, but did you take a moment to consider that maybe they are just not following their religion properly?? Please, think twice before you write something.
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