Oh wait, before our jaws hit the floor on this....hold on....France is sending the 700 troops to Kapisa province where of course there isn't any fighting! Heaven knows France wouldn't send any into Helmand province where the U.S., Brits and Canadians are fighting their asses off. Thanks for the gesture France but c'mon...you really that afraid of a little combat?
Here's part of the article from Press TV:
Oh wait, I forgot the one key part of this article:
Oh, they have regular "incidents" there, huh? What, a goat getting run over by a Humvee? Many of you know how closely I follow the Afghanistan War agains the Taliban and I cannot recall the last time (if ever) I have run across any real military action or Taliban attacks in Kapisa province.
Oh well, I guess France DID send some troops, now didn't they?
Here's part of the article from Press TV:
President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the extra troops, on top of about 1,670 already in the country, at a NATO summit in Bucharest but did not say where they would be deployed. It has been decided they would go to Kapisa northeast of the capital, French military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Frederic Thomazo told AFP. They are due to arrive in July or August.
Oh wait, I forgot the one key part of this article:
Kapisa does not see the levels of insurgent unrest that blight the rest of eastern Afghanistan but there are regular incidents, particularly in the strategic Tagab area about 50 kilometers from Kabul.
Oh, they have regular "incidents" there, huh? What, a goat getting run over by a Humvee? Many of you know how closely I follow the Afghanistan War agains the Taliban and I cannot recall the last time (if ever) I have run across any real military action or Taliban attacks in Kapisa province.
Oh well, I guess France DID send some troops, now didn't they?
France to deploy troops to Afghanistan
France is set to send 700 soldiers to Afghan Kapisa province near Kabul where most of the other French forces are being stationed. President Nicolas Sarkozy announced the extra troops, on top of about 1,670 already in the country, at a NATO summit in Bucharest but did not say where they would be deployed. It has been decided they would go to Kapisa northeast of the capital, French military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Frederic Thomazo told AFP. They are due to arrive in July or August.
Kapisa does not see the levels of insurgent unrest that blight the rest of eastern Afghanistan but there are regular incidents, particularly in the strategic Tagab area about 50 kilometers from Kabul. France will also send military instructors to train the Afghan army in the southern province of Uruzgan, a Taliban stronghold, and is due in the coming months to take the rotating NATO command for the capital region. Most of the French troops in Afghanistan work in Kabul and there are about 170 in the southern city of Kandahar where six French fighter jets are stationed.
Well they are guarding a nice peacefull area, good, that lets the real men & women do the fighting. But the french troops should get some combat experience so they will at put up a little fight when they are forced to defend Paris from the "youths".
Hahahaha! Now THAT I like - "defend Paris from the "youths" ! Hahaha! True, very true.
Thanks for stopping by.
:Holger Danske
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