An excellent article is put out by Cinnamon Stillwell here at the San Francisco Chronicle that details how the islamists are switching to a "soft" jihad and their main target is America's schools. Let's look at just one example that Stillwell cites in her article:
I really encourage you to read the entire article - it is frightening how this jihad is taking place throughout the U.S. and of course, there is NO reporting going on about it. Let's look at one more example:
This is the jihad that we now face in America. It is my view that there are two main strategies behind this:
1. An indoctrination of America's young people and children to islam will lead to what the jihadists view as a more "accepted" position of islam and when the islamists eventually demand preferrential treatment in America, they will have positioned the claims as "religious rights."
2. The numbing of America with a constant but subtle indoctrination of islamic rituals will further coat the islamists in teflon as after a time, Americans will come to view extremist islamic behaviour as the norm for their religion.
It really is pretty simple - the islamists and terrorists and jihadists in America are manipulating the civil liberties of America to position their form of jihad as protected in this society and at the same time, they are pushing the envelope as to how "special" they can build their case as they seek to maneuver new interpretations of the current laws and rights.
We have just seen this past week where members of CAIR in Michigan put pressure on Barack Obama's advisers to declare their objection to any form of "islamaphobia" in this country. The islamists simply want to create a society in America where ANY criticism of Islam and its followers will be labeled as "islamophobic" and will qualify as a hate crime.
Make no bones about it - the islamists seek one thing - total and complete control of America but they realize they cannot do it by blowing up our buildings or killing our citizens. They will accomplish it by jacketing themselves in special laws and putting forward legislation that will eventually allow them the rights of sharia law in this land. And they are starting this process with our children.
Last month, students at Friendswood Junior High in Houston were required to attend an "Islamic Awareness" presentation during class time allotted for physical education. The presentation involved two representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization with a record of Islamist statements and terrorism convictions. According to students, they were taught that "there is one God, his name is Allah" and that "Adam, Noah and Jesus are prophets." Students were also taught about the Five Pillars of Islam and how to pray five times a day and wear Islamic religious garb. Parents were not notified about the presentation and it wasn't until a number of complaints arose that school officials responded with an apologetic e-mail.
I really encourage you to read the entire article - it is frightening how this jihad is taking place throughout the U.S. and of course, there is NO reporting going on about it. Let's look at one more example:
Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy, a charter school in Inver Grove Heights, Minn., came under recent scrutiny after Minneapolis Star-Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten brought to light concerns about public funding for its overtly religious curriculum. The school is housed in the Muslim American Society's (the American branch of the Egyptian Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood) Minnesota building, alongside a mosque, and the daily routine includes prayer, ritual washing, halal food preparation and an after-school "Islamic studies" program. Kersten's columns prompted the Minnesota chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union to issue a press release expressing its own reservations about potential First Amendment violations.
This is the jihad that we now face in America. It is my view that there are two main strategies behind this:
1. An indoctrination of America's young people and children to islam will lead to what the jihadists view as a more "accepted" position of islam and when the islamists eventually demand preferrential treatment in America, they will have positioned the claims as "religious rights."
2. The numbing of America with a constant but subtle indoctrination of islamic rituals will further coat the islamists in teflon as after a time, Americans will come to view extremist islamic behaviour as the norm for their religion.
It really is pretty simple - the islamists and terrorists and jihadists in America are manipulating the civil liberties of America to position their form of jihad as protected in this society and at the same time, they are pushing the envelope as to how "special" they can build their case as they seek to maneuver new interpretations of the current laws and rights.
We have just seen this past week where members of CAIR in Michigan put pressure on Barack Obama's advisers to declare their objection to any form of "islamaphobia" in this country. The islamists simply want to create a society in America where ANY criticism of Islam and its followers will be labeled as "islamophobic" and will qualify as a hate crime.
Make no bones about it - the islamists seek one thing - total and complete control of America but they realize they cannot do it by blowing up our buildings or killing our citizens. They will accomplish it by jacketing themselves in special laws and putting forward legislation that will eventually allow them the rights of sharia law in this land. And they are starting this process with our children.
Islam in America's public schools: Education or indoctrination?
With fatal terrorist attacks on the decline worldwide and al Qaeda apparently in disarray, it would seem a time for optimism in the global war on terrorism. But the war has simply shifted to a different arena. Islamists, or those who believe that Islam is a political and religious system that must dominate all others, are focusing less on the military and more on the ideological. It turns out that Western liberal democracies can be subverted without firing a shot.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the educational realm. Islamists have taken what's come to be known as the "soft jihad" into America's classrooms and children in K-12 are the first casualties. Whether it is textbooks, curriculum, classroom exercises, film screenings, speakers or teacher training, public education in America is under assault.
Capitalizing on the post-9/11 demand for Arabic instruction, some public, charter and voucher-funded private schools are inappropriately using taxpayer dollars to implement a religious curriculum. They are also bringing in outside speakers with Islamist ties or sympathies. As a result, not only are children receiving a biased education, but possible violations of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause abound.
Equally problematic are the textbooks used in American public schools to teach Islam or Islamic history. Organizations such as Southern California's Council on Islamic Education and Arabic World and Islamic Resources are tasked with screening and editing these textbooks for public school districts, but questions have been raised about the groups' scholarship and ideological agenda. The American Textbook Council, an organization that reviews history and social studies textbooks used in American schools, and its director, Gilbert T. Sewall, have produced a series of articles and reports on Islam textbooks and the findings are damning. They include textbooks that are factually inaccurate, misrepresent and in some cases, glorify Islam, or are hostile to other religions. While teaching students about Islam within a religious studies context may be appropriate, the purpose becomes suspect when the texts involved are compromised in this manner.
This is the same war we lost with the leftists in our universities. Just phase II I guess.
Muslim Ghettoisation
We live in a shrunken world and millions of people are on the move; one of our biggest challenges is how we learn to live in proximity to difference – different skin colours, different beliefs and different way of life. According to a study by COMPAS, Muslims born and educated were given the impression of outsiders. The perception among Muslims is that they are unwelcome in Britain is undermining efforts to help them integrate into wider society. Most of them say that they have experienced race discrimination and religious prejudice. Muslims and Islam is promoted a fundamentalist and separatist by the western elite, which have negative impact on community and social cohesion. The number of racist incidents occurring in London Borough of Redbridge’s schools have reached their highest levels since record begin.
A City or a locality, where Muslims are in majority is a ghetto. There is a tendency for people of similar backgrounds to live together in neighourhoods. The term”ghettoisation” is inappropriate. The original ghettos in Europe during the middle ages were set up by law to confine the Jewish population to one area of a city. According to a research by an Australian academic that Muslim communities in Britain are being increasingly ghettoized in a trend that set back hopes of assimilation by years. Britain has now eight cities in the top 100 most ghettoized cities. The people from the Pakistani community in Bradford and Oldham and Leicester had trebled during the decade. A report by an academic Dr Alan Carling, that Bradford risks becoming a front line in the global clash between the West and Islam. But Islam and Muslims do not clash with the concepts of pluralism, secularism and globalisation. The native flight from Bradford’s inner-city wards showed clear evidence of an increase in segregation in the city since 1991. Native parents are avoiding sending their children in state schools where Muslims and other minorities are in majority. The dominance of Pakistani Muslims in the city has meant that Bradford has become bi-cultural.
Immigrants are the creators of Britain new wealth, otherwise, inner cities deprived areas could not get new lease of life. The native Brits regard such areas as ghettoes. Integration is not religious and cultural, it is economic and Muslims are well integrated into British society and at the same time they are proud of their Islamic, linguistic and cultural identities, inspite of discrimination they have been facing in all walks of life. According to UN, 80% of British Muslims feel discriminated. They are less burden on social services. Immigrants made up 8.7% of the population, but accounted for10.2% of all collected income tax
It is often quoted by the Western media that Muslim schools ghettoizse the children, and even lead to their radicalisation if they are not integrated. There is no evidence that faith schools lead to a “ghettoized education system. In British schools, pupils are encouraged to focus too much on their similarities rather than their differences. The integrationist approach merely results in Muslims feeling that their faith, language and culture is not respected.
Iftikhar Ahmad
Shark, I couldn't agree more with you.
Iftikhara -
America was built upon people of different skin colors, ethnicities and ways of life - the difference here is they all came together in a common belief - that THIS country was their best hope and they would do anything to ensure its survival and success.
We, in America have seen the Brits struggle with the islamists who have landed in Britain and the difference isn't that the islamists haven't been accepted - it's the fact that they could care less about the Land of Britain - they simply care about CREATING THEIR CULTURE on a patch of land.
When you emigrate to a country, you best not expect preferential treatment - sure, you should be treated with respect but only AFTER you earn that respect which involves honoring the people that have given you part of their homeland.
So, if the islamists in Britain feel "unwelcome" it's their own damn fault. And they better not expect me or others like me to accept their call to sharia in America. If they move to America and don't like the 'lay of the land', I'll be sure to lend a hand on putting their bags back on the airliner or boat they arrived on.
:Holger Danske
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