Ahhhh yes, Mahmoud "I'veSeenPoodlesTallerThanMe" Ahmadinejad delivered another fiery speech today and basically stuck his tongue out at the West saying he won, we lost. All of this, of course, comes before the visit of another European to wave some meaningless incentives in front of the Iranians to cease their nuclear expansion. Yeah, right. Here's some from the Reuters article:
But I do want to also look at another part of this article. Check this out:
Now, it seems a bit odd to me that the U.S. would make that announcement prior to the European mission's visit to Tehran as it could piss off a few Europeans who have their heads in the sand thinking the "carrot" approach may work. To me, it signals another warning that the U.S. is losing patience.
And then, throw in one more comment by pip squeak Ahmadinejad in the same speech:
Is it just me or isn't Ahmadinejad just ASKING for it? Could there be a more clear taunting? And who in the world, other than Israel, is willing to step up to the microphone at the U.N. and simply says: "This is bullshit. The time has come to eradicate the Iranian nuclear program by force."
It really is that simple.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Western pressure had failed to stop Iran's nuclear activities.
"With God's help today (the Iranian nation) have gained victory and the enemies cannot do a damned thing," he said in a speech broadcast live on state television.
But I do want to also look at another part of this article. Check this out:
The United States warned a defiant Iran on Wednesday that "all options are on the table" to thwart its nuclear ambitions and the EU's top diplomat prepared to travel to Tehran in the latest bid to resolve the dispute.
Now, it seems a bit odd to me that the U.S. would make that announcement prior to the European mission's visit to Tehran as it could piss off a few Europeans who have their heads in the sand thinking the "carrot" approach may work. To me, it signals another warning that the U.S. is losing patience.
And then, throw in one more comment by pip squeak Ahmadinejad in the same speech:
"They've tried by military threats ... and political pressure to stop you from your luminous path but today they have seen that all their planning has failed," Ahmadinejad told the crowd in the western city of Shahr-e Kurd.
Is it just me or isn't Ahmadinejad just ASKING for it? Could there be a more clear taunting? And who in the world, other than Israel, is willing to step up to the microphone at the U.N. and simply says: "This is bullshit. The time has come to eradicate the Iranian nuclear program by force."
It really is that simple.
U.S. warns defiant Iran ahead of Solana trip
TEHRAN (Reuters) - The United States warned a defiant Iran on Wednesday that "all options are on the table" to thwart its nuclear ambitions and the EU's top diplomat prepared to travel to Tehran in the latest bid to resolve the dispute.
As part of carrot-and-stick diplomacy, European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana said he would be in Iran on June 14-15 to discuss an offer by major powers of trade and other benefits if it halts uranium enrichment.
But the Islamic Republic made clear it has no plans to bow to international demands and halt a nuclear program which it says is aimed at generating electricity but which the West fears is a covert drive to build bombs.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Western pressure had failed to stop Iran's nuclear activities.
"With God's help today (the Iranian nation) have gained victory and the enemies cannot do a damned thing," he said in a speech broadcast live on state television.
The U.N. Security Council has imposed three rounds of limited sanctions on Iran since 2006 over its refusal to suspend nuclear enrichment, which can provide fuel for power plants or material for weapons if refined much further.
This week U.S. President George W. Bush said an "Iran with a nuclear weapon would be incredibly dangerous for world peace". On a farewell tour of Europe he threatened Tehran with more sanctions if it failed to stop enriching uranium.
Bush, who met German Chancellor Angela Merkel north of Berlin as part of his week-long tour of Europe, is pressing allies to agree new punitive measures against Iran
"They've tried by military threats ... and political pressure to stop you from your luminous path but today they have seen that all their planning has failed," Ahmadinejad told the crowd in the western city of Shahr-e Kurd.
Keep on going fools, but remember your luminescence will be extremely brief and very, very hot, and cause certain instruments to go "click" for a long, long time.
I'm with you on that advice, Shark!
:Holger Danske
That wasn't advice, my friend, that is the only outcome if they do get to finish their project for even one bomb. My advice is hit them now without resorting to nukes. Take out their electrical grid, and their One (repeat ONE) oil refinery and close any and all ports or points of entry for fuel. They are not going to run any centrifudges without electrical power, hamsters on amphetamines wont cut it. They can and will raise a lot of hell, in a lot of places even here at home, but that will be nothing compared to the outcome of waiting around for diplomacy to give them the chance to complete even one bomb. Death toll of the above action would be at most a few thousand, the toll if the big ones go off will be in the millions, heartless but simple math.
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