Sunday, January 20, 2008

Spain Alerts Britain To Exposed Terror Plot Against Visiting Musharraf

President Musharraf of Pakistan is scheduled to visit Europe and today, Spanish police have alerted Great Britain and other European countries to terror plots against Musharraf that they have uncovered.
The Spaniards aren't saying exactly what they discovered when they arrested a bunch of Pakistani islamists but the police and intelligence officials did alert four specific European countries after finding whatever they found.
Musharraf is scheduled to go to Great Britain, France and those would be three that are alerted - and rumor has it the fourth country is Portugal.
To be honest, I can't imagine that Musharraf could feel any more threatened while visiting Europe than he does in his own country.

Here's the full story from Breitbart.

January 20, 2008

Spain alerts Britain after foiling bomb plot on eve of Musharraf visit

SPANISH police say they have foiled an attempt by Islamic extremists to carry out bomb attacks coinciding with a state visit to Europe by Pervez Musharraf, the president of Pakistan.
It was reported that other European countries, including Britain, had been put on alert by the Spanish for the possibility of terror attacks.
Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, the Spanish interior minister, said that five homes and a mosque in central Barcelona had been raided and a quantity of bomb-making material had been seized, including four detonators. Twelve Pakistanis and two Indians were arrested on Friday.
Rubalcaba said police acted on a tip-off from “another secret service” and discovered that some of those detained were about to purchase explosives.
The arrests were made just days before a visit to Europe this week by Musharraf. He is due to go to France and the UK and attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
The minister said that he could not reveal more about the police operation which was continuing but the National Intelligence Centre (CNI), the Spanish secret service, had warned at least four other European countries to prepare for “imminent attacks”.
The main concern was that it appeared that an unknown quantity of the explosive had been removed before the raids. “We are facing a well organised group that had moved a stage further than just being radicals,” the minister said.
“We were alerted by another secret service that they were preparing to commit terrorist actions in Spain, specifically Barcelona.”
Although the interior minister would not link the latest arrests with Musharraf’s visit to Europe, secret service sources told El Pais that the new alert coincided with Musharraf's trip.
The source implied that the CNI had specific information on itinerant terrorists heading for the UK, France and Portugal.

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