Monday, January 21, 2008

British Soldier Killed In Afghan Blast

A British soldier was killed today as his vehicle was hit by a mine near the newly taken over village of Musa Qala. This is probably one of a few remnants of mines that were placed around that hot spot and just wasn't cleared as opposed to a fresh mine that was just planted.

Full story is here.

Jan 21, 5:04 AM EST
British Soldier Killed in Afghan Blast
Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- An explosion struck a NATO patrol vehicle outside a former Taliban town in southern Afghanistan, killing one British soldier and wounding five others, officials said Monday.
The British Ministry of Defense said the soldiers' vehicle was hit by a mine Sunday northeast of Musa Qala, a town in northern Helmand province that had been held by the Taliban for 10 months until U.S., British and Afghan forces retook it last month.
One soldier died at the scene and the five others were airlifted to NATO bases for medical treatment, the ministry said in a statement. The wounded soldiers were not in a life-threatening condition.
A total of 87 British forces personnel have been killed in Afghanistan since the start of operations in October 2001.

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